okay, well, i passed (unofficially anyhow- answered over 55 out of 80 100% certain on the answers)
went and dyed leigh's (scotts brother) hair this evening, which was well amusing :)
am not going to be on here long- my wrists have been the worst theyve been in a LONG time and im gonna have to go and make an appointment at the doctors i think, which isnt good. my doctors are pants, and dont know anything, except to say "it's viral"
I need to go back as well, cause i have a feeling that the thing i had in y12 (that was never ID'd and apparently viral :S) is coming back. Im feeling pretty much how i did then- really tired, not able to concentrate, sluggish, muscle/joint pain, feeling generally ill, and down. ive kept quiet about it for a while cause i wa hoping it would go away and just be part or the general tiredness ive had from not sleeping, but i think it is similar, so im gonna go and bug them about it, and hope that its nothing, serious, but i do need to get my wrists sorted cause it hurts constantly , not from movement, but just constant pain. Might also quiz them about the anaemia.
Even though this is going on, and its kina getting me down a bit, im still quite happy, which is cool.
need to go sleep now, or at least try and ignore my wrists hurting.
Thursday, February 27
okay. half an hour until this greek vocab test shows how little i do know....
must stay calm, must stay calm, must stay calm, say the little voices in my head. the voices are always there, but they arent always soothing, or have a good positive influence on me. I dont know where they came from- they were just 'there'. i know they havent always existed, but its okay, you learn to live with them. they arent my enimies. they may not especially be my friends but they are not against me. (by the way i would just like to point out that im not crazy, im just rambling to waste time) my sanity /is/ rapidly departing at the moment, as im approaching the limits i have for containment...if i were a warp core id be reaching critical overload soon...hmmmmm.
i have decided that for lent i am going to give up tea because i drink too much of it and i actually spend nearly 35 minutes a day making it!!!
also im going to do the unthinkable and actually make a doctors appointment. anyone who knows me knows how much i hate doctors and medical people in general, but last night was enough. my wrists are really bad at the moment, and my left one keeps going into spasm. - it did it last night- for 40 minutes, and was very painful. as a consequence im very one handed at the moment, hence in this half an hour i havent actually written very much.
hope that everyones well.
email is good. replies are better,
.'. encourage someone with an email, and they'll encourage you back
x x
x x
Wednesday, February 26
well, today involved the handing in of a greek assignment, and then a jam with phil and happy dave, which was nice.
also, mentoring, and to kill the time between i went to coffee revolution and hd a pot of assam and watched the world go by, and have convo with erica, of all people, which was weird and unexpected but also quite a positive affair.
need to tidy my room to put all my books in there. my grandparents are emigrating to spain, and so my grandma, knowing im investigating my art, has given me all her books on it, which is cool, and shes an amazing artist, as are all my mums side of the family (xept me it seems, but i need to find my niche... i have a feeling that it may be acrylics, and comic style manga but i dont know.). Also due to several plans for things happening.
Small group tonight was good, there were three of us, myself, hendryx, and Zoe, but it was cool, Hendryx's talk was quite challenging and needs further processing, however, i have 200+ greek words to learn before tomorrow, so that comes first.
Tuesday, February 25
hmmm. im not sure whats happening with this at the moment, - it doesnt seem to want to work properly.... not good.
well, i had a different day to what was planned...
having left philadelphia, with a vague sense of triumph over a couple of things, i proceeded to rush to ecclesall road....
to be stood up.
not being overjoyed at this, i got on a 272 and went to castleton. A beautiful day made me realise how much i miss being in the peaks
so much so, i replaced my OS map, and plan to do some white peak exploration on a regular basis. like once a fortnight.
i was outraged on the way back however, to find that some heather at the top of one of the tors had been set alight and was spreading rapidly. that is not helpful .
as a consequence of running away to nurse my wounds it does mean that i have not leart any greek yet for thursdays vocabulary test however, its okay. but i do have to do my greek assignment now as it is due in tomorrow.
tomorrow, phil and I are going to jam :) and apparently happy dave may be coming along- as long as he isnt scary i dont mind!
im amazingly scared of practically everybody at the moment. so this means im probably not going to be very forthcoming at all over the next few weeks, or even months, and it pretty much rules out like having to TALK to people.
Monday, February 24
its not that i dont have anything to say...
im just feeling uninspired and unable to express myself (even though theres lots to say).
gonna go lay down cause my back is hurting, seriously.
after takeshi's castle, that is.
a wise person will follow
God. But a fool does
not and falls away from Him.
- thought id write a haiku.
Sunday, February 23
well, having gotten back considerably earlier than i expected (thanks to ruth anne, and joannah!! and the details... i aint going into it!)
and due to my new regime of going to bed 7 hours before i have to get up (cause im tired all the time at the moment) ive got nearly 2 hours to go, so im gonna do this, and then go play tony hawks for a bit. ive had rhinestone cowboy in my head all day!!! only one line of it though, being he first line of the chorus.
im going to have to go to the dentist also and demand for the tooth that my last dentist botched up on to be taken out....
at the moment, everythign is a bit fuzzy, and im taking it one day at a time. im sleeping better kindof, which is good, but i have a very short attention span, which isnt, and there is no reason for it.
ok, am gonna go and be mindless for a while, and will come back to this, ahen i can sustain an arriva trains northern sheffield-leeds service as opposed to a haigh speed sheffield - barnsley (any transport fanatics will know what i mean by that) and for those that dont, its a metaphor...
wow, what a week in the world of sara. lots happening. ive just called home to drop my guitar and stuff off and get a shower before leaving again to go to philadelphia. so not much to say now. am meeting joe c on tuesday which will be cool- were talking about sharing a house next year which could be good :) mentoring on wednesday my guitar has to go to the shop on thursday cause its very poorly. hopefully they can mend it or its going to cost around 600 pounds to get a decnt playable electroacoustic that i like, which i really dont have!!
lots of things to think about and stuff at the moment.
went to abbies on friday, she s ok, which is good. narrowly avoided a major crash on saturday so you know, same old same old here.
Greek assignment to be done too.
signing off for now
Friday, February 21
well, im not going to be too upset that my resolution to be vagely frequent and consistent in my posting isnt as frequent or as consistant as i would like it to be because ive been busy and its just be cause ive actually been vaguely sensible in things like looking after myself!
this therefore could be a slightly longer post than usual with around 3/4 days amalgamated together into a single post...
okay, we begin with tuesday.
tuesday i woke up feeling much less knackered than anticipated and actually feeling quite chirpy, (even though id woken up of my own accord at around 6.30 am!) so i celebrated by actually making toast....then i got extremely bored very quickly, so decided after a ride around on the buses to go and give ruth a hand at philadelphia, arrived, and did some work, then left with hendryx for our prearranged tea appointment, which was very fun, very challenging, and very intense, but it was good.
Having been challenged enough for one day and feeling quite unravelled, i headed home for the evening.
uni, went to visit Scott, which was in some ways cool, in others not, i actually ended up talking to his brother Leigh more than i did to scott, but im not too fussed.
then after a brillian trek across sheffieldf, involving the bus that i wanted to catch being half an hour late, so not going back to my house, and then getting a taxi from town in order to get back to my house in some time to get changed, have some tea, and sort my sis out, i chickened out on saying something ive always wanted to say to a taxi driver, and instead opted for a watered down version so am quite hacked off about that.
having said that thought, the rush was well worth it, ancd rthe only disappointment i found with going to the theatre was that i missed small group which was well pants!!!
did uni, found out an amusing fact thatthe greek word for bad is "kakkos" hehehe so anything that is bad will henceforth be referred to as being kakkos.
Was asked by ruth to play guitar at 3pm prayers at philadelphia, which was cool. God was there, even though there were only a few of us at prayers.
which brings me to today.......
woke up extremely tired and just wanted to stay in bed and not go anywhere cause id got a pounding headache, then fel amazingly sick all the way to uni (an hours commute) for no real reason. Having lots of trouble concentrating today as well, ive only been writing this for an hour.... not really a long time. :-S
after my next lecture which starts in 40 mins, im going to go and see abbie who is back for the weekend and check up on how shes doing and stuff. might also see joe, if he calls round which really will be coo, cause ive not seen him for a while.
might go top prayers tonight cause my wrists are hurting quite a bit, not cause im using them, but the genedral ache thing i often get... maybe thats why i cant spell today....
weekend plans.. rehearsal at eds hgouse. and hopefully sorting through the recording studio stuff, and setting a date in the next three weeks. thats tomorrow sorted
sunday- dynamites, then going to visit a house i might be living in next year and then my first service at philadelphia, im only a week behind lol....
i just cant bring myself to call it philly....
im getting ridiculously paranoid about the amount of spam im recieving.... i dont get email anymore!
Tuesday, February 18
well, im back in sheffield, the train journey back was, well, dark, and very confusing when we arrived in BEDFORD!
later found out that it was because there was a circuit failure at west hampstead.
arrived on the platform at hertford just as the train pulled into the station, and then because wed walked very fast to get the train i sat down and immediately got cramp! may i just say. OW!
Today turned into a bit of a lounge day, but it was still cool.
we wrote a parody version of "here i am to worship" all about a girl who loses her teddy bear... call me sad... i dont care, it made us laugh!!!
straight back into the thick of things tomorrow, with a dynamites planning in the morning, a "special" lecture in the afternoon, followed by tea with hendryx, which im well looking forwards to followed by a stomp planning meet.
will keep you posted,
Monday, February 17
well, its monday- later i go home and return to life in sheffield after one of the most amazing/scary/blessed/(many other adjectives here) weekesnds in a long time!
at the moment, abbie is still asleep and ive left her to it cause she's absolutely knackered, bless... we were going to head into london to go to camden market (!?!?!) but that isnt gonna happen so were gonna lounge i think. okay well, what made my weekend so "raaaaaah"??
1. V nice to get away from sheffield, if just for the weekend, the place is amazing, and i know that im there for a long while yet, but you know what they say about a change being as good as a rest or some such ramblings!
2. flippin' amazing to see abigail! she's come along and grown so much, and im loving her for it.!
3. met some cool people while i was away.
4. Saturday- really good teaching on worship, things kinda brought up that id not really thought about- one of which i think really hit abbie, cause shes told EVERYONE she'ss seen since!! hehe, also there was a really really amazing session on like the more practical side of stuff, and arranging, and practising etc which really encouraged me.
5. God blitzed me slightly, which isnt an amazingly nice thing, but it is helpful, and as a result im a little bit more clued as to the vision stuff- dreams are back alive that id let die (or killed myself..... ooops)
so yeah, all in all a bit of a funky weekend, me chickens! loads of stuff that ive been challenged on, and i had the opportunity to sing with a really good guitarist, one of abbies housemates, who is really cool, i think i might hire him to do some session stuff ;) that is of course, if i ever get the courage to show any of my songs...
so, i guess that until im back in sheffield, thats all for now.
signing off
Saturday, February 15
Well, i really didnt expect that i would be posting whilst i am away, but here i am on a laptop making a quick post. in just over half an hour, Abbie and I are leaving for WATFORD, to go to soul survivors day on worship. i wasnt really looking forwards to this very much, but now that im on verge of going, it could be well excitin g.im really enjoying it so far, i have to say. its great just to kick back and chill for a bit with my very own abbie, and then randomly talk to people
to people whom i have never met at all... quite the opposite of me ro noteally, but hey. Had a really bad night sleepwise last night which wasnt very good, but im in fairly okay shape today- tho i shall prolly crash later which is pants but no matter. later i think that were going to the cinema in hertford with abbies housemate , who is also called joel, but he seems really cool, and some other people, so that will be fairly, interesting, however, i can always retreat into the darkness that is a cinema...
lots of struggles constantly getting at me, but im holing my head give up or lose hope and to have up and keeping going so far, and just praying it all into God's hands cause he is the only one who can help me out with this. I need a revelation, and my resolve is to press in for it and to have FAITH, a waiting certainty, that God will provide it because he's amazing like that. if any of yous would like to pray then that would be cool.
signing off for now, cause im getting slightly annoyed with this laptop that im not used to and apart from that, we're going very soon.
Might get another chance to update before i get back, might not, however it does mean that i have email access, so click the link if you want to get in touch,
Friday, February 14
okay, this is a quick one, im on a last minute dash to make sure i have everything i need....whilst at the same time listening through to the cd of the recording done on tuesday and comparing it to the last sesh when i was full of cold so one line went: "bumtibes deh sbow comes dowb in jbune" hehehe. its quite funny really. but its quite encouraging to hear so far.
hope to hear from you all soon, and im outta here!!
i have a 4 hour train journey in 12 hours, and i need to sleep- however i cant. why not? because i cant.
i am really hating being an insomniac at the moment- i darent go to bed before im really tired, because then i just lay there for hours and hours and hours waiting to feel tired, which i never do, and when i finally fall asleep, im now having nightmares, the kind which are so nasty, you wake up and darent breathe because there is truth in them.these arent just "oh my goodness, im on a stage in nothing but my pants...!! but the I can see myself fro a third person point of view being attacked kind of nasty.. This should NOT be happening. it seems like this is one area which is being attacked hugely at the moment. i should just be not sleeping at the moment, according to past cycles, but ive gone straight onto phase 3. I dont think the nightmares will ever stop. Ive begun to deal with some of the stuff in them that is true and actually happened, but it hasnt had the expected effect and lessened what happens. If anythignit seems as if my vulnerability has been heightened.
im so hacked off!
okay, everything is upside down- my head the world. the only constant is God, and im determined not to let go of that. I spoke to abbie earlier on the phone to arrange final arrangements for tomorrow and its all sorted so thats okay, and im looking forwards to escaping, not that i feel trapped, it'll just be nice to see abbie, and have some time with her cause i really miss that.
At this point in time i would like to make a disclaimer, that the views expressed on this webpage are wholly personal, and if any controversy is caused, i am not going to apologise straight away, but if you wish to discuss, feel free to email me, and let me know what you disagree with and ill try to explain myself and dispel any animosity which may exist.
I have managed to work out today, that i have a problem, well, two really, confrontation, and expression. I am totally unable to do either. The reason im so frustrated about the whole vision thing, is partly because i feel as if anything i feel id like to do will be opposed all the way.this is probably partly a paranoia/insecurity thing but at the same time its definately something thats stopping me from getting anywhere with it, although i have got a bit further. more about that in a mo tho. The whole expression/confrontation deal are linked together, i cant do confrontation, because i cant express myself. A situation today really called for it, and i just backed down, because i couldnt express what i wanted to say at all, and therefore there was no chance of me being able to confront.
It's really bugging me, but hey...
'K ive got thus far in sorting out the vision/me/future stuff:
at the moment= worship, and childrens stuff
At the moment, i am responsible for Crookes Dynamites with kathryn, and i lead the joint stomp/dynamites worship.
In terms of worship, ive sung at expression once, and would like to be more involved but that doesnt seem to be happening
next year.
as of september i wont be at Dynamites, as i (and others) feel its right to move on.
From there, theres a possibility of the new CENTRAL STOMP club, where i would be club based as opposed to community based.
To some extent its exciting, but im still not sure about that yet- what my role in it would be or how it would work.
also possibilities are there in the childrens cells in citywide, and that is something i think it is right to persue, and from what i can see, its a different role rather than just leading a cell group (not that im dissing that - at all, cause its AWESOME!) and that would be good cause it would give me some experience in a different area- im definately looking into it
In terms of worship- i definately want to be doing more, and getting more involved with the more "adult" worship- im going to find out about that and how to go about it and stuff.
so thats where im at at the moment in terms of that which is kinda cool, i dont have any idea as to longer term than that tho except that worship is a part of it and i need to start looking at it and being serious about it.
Its not all bad though, i may sound negative but im really not being intentionally. Good stuff is happening.
One thing that im well up for is that I have a real hunger to see God. Ive been reading the God chasers recently, and some of it is totally awesome and has totally challenged me. I was finding it a bit of a struggle on monday, but someone had a word for me, which really encouraged me to press on.
Another good thing is the whole healing shebang. Ive been really struggling with it, and had lots of frustrations with it, and why nothing has been going on, but there was a breakthrough last week, and im feeling more positive towards it now- i KNOW that God wants to heal me- i was beginning to doubt that seriously, and while im still frustrated that nothing seems to be happening, im learning to just give it all up to Him, rather than let it fester, which is really cool.
Im also learning about just being. Just being with God and spending time with Him.
There are still obstacles to overcome, but they are issues ill always be working on, the goal at the moment for me i think is to learn to accept God as a Father, and his love for me as such, and having done that to just be able to kick back and rest. Sounds easy.... it's really not, but i really want this, and through God, ALL things are possible.
Thursday, February 13
well, i finally got round to letting perople know that im up and running,
and can i just say that GREEK ROCKS!!!!!
ive had 2 hours of it today, and im actually feeling confident about the paradigms... something i never had with the latin.
I went to jos yesterday and we talked for hours, and it kinda helped me sort my head out a bit, which was cool, and i can now see some of the reasons ive been really frustrated this last week, in terms of my vision etc, and the future and things like that. I got a greek bible today too :) that is soooooooooo cool!!
it is indeed only one more day- ONE MORE DAY!!!! till i get to see abigail! i so cannot wait, but first i need to go and drop some stuff off at peoples houses ( i apologise so sincerely if i mess up on spelling, cause i really cannot type at the moment- my wrists hurt so much its untrue and i cant do anything about it, because my back is hurting as well, however i reckin that the 4 days of complete non necessary movement is probably going to be useful.
to be honest i think im probably going to end up back in physio, tho apart from god i reckon the only thing that could get rid of the fact that i have a huge lump on my spine is traction!!! i think that while i have accepted the fact thast it isnt going to go away, and that it means that i cant do a lot of things i would like to, but im concentrating on the good, and the things i /can do, i still think im getting bitter about it, which is pants really. i dont want to be and occasionally i notice that i am. its not too good.
if anyone catches me donig that then please feel free to pull me up about it and kick my ass for it!
i got a cd back today of stuff that has been recorded recently by me. i havent heard it yet, and it isnt the final one, its a set of first takes of the tracks done on tuesday, with duplicates but with a little post production, mainly for my benefit to see what improvements can be made, and to adjust a couple of the harmonies.
hopefully it wont sound too bad tho.
i think that im gonna head up to tapton now to try and chat to chris. i need a decent conversation, cause ive got brain fatigue!!! that would explain why this is probably rather jumpy today.
plus the fact that im well tired. i didnt go to my tutorial today cause i was too tired to move.... just laid there and went OW! until i couldnt be bothered anymore and got up anyway, which really hurt, but hey.... its turned out ok so far tho,
if anyone does read this before 1.30pm tomorrow, tho and feel like chatting with the big guy, then please pray that my back wouldnt be too painful tomorrow, cause ive got a 4 hour train journey, which im not looking forwards to in that respect (even thought i love train journeys usually).
signing off for now.
ps i have a brilliant new voicemail!!!!! -its hilarious!!!!
Wednesday, February 12
well, i got home a bit before midnight, having spent around 8 hours recording. In this time, i managed to get around 6/7 tracks done, 3 of which had at least 2 part harmony. didnt get as much done as i wanted to tho, and am a bit discouraged by this. however, if im gonna think positively about it then i also got quite a lot done. it does mean tho, that ive not had anytime to myself, and i cant sleep now, so i need to be doing something until i feel tired, so i thought id ramble for a little while cause i know that if i just sit there i wont get tired. i guess i really should tell people that im back baring my soul (well, not quite that drastic but.... :) ) i imght send an email in a bit...i have to say that im quite pleased to be back blogging, tho the last time i was really doing it, it was a proper web journal that only three people knew about and had access to. i have a 9am lecture in the morning, this wouldnt be too bad if it was in english... but alas it is not. it is greek.... all the paradigms bleugh. sometime i think that academia is sooooooo overrated.
tomorrow i only have 2 hours of lectures in a day (3 when i have tutorials tho) and then im going to jo's house. im looking forwards to that,if only because i know that i can just be. even though im getting back into the busy, ive been doing quite a bit of thinking this last week or so. mainly towards the future, but more people orientated than me orientated, tho the question of what im wanting to do is in there. today, on my way home i found myself really missing doing band stuff. just the whole concept of being with a group of talented people, making music that was our own is what i miss, not the specifics, style, genre etc, cause i know that id be happy doing anything from punk to jazz to ballards, and i did buy a new guitar especially for the purpose. in some ways i darent even think about writing a song, because i have no one to play it, and develop it with. sometime s its hard, and meatloaf (well, jim steinman really) got it right when he wrote :
"and some days it don't come easy
some days it dont come hard,
and some days it dont come at all
and these are the days that never end" -i would do anything for love (but i wont do that)
im gonna mail a few people i think and let them know the blog is going - if anyone reading this that knows me wants a link putting to their blog or wants to link to mine then please ask in either case
x sara x
Tuesday, February 11
im feeling a bit pants to be honest, at the present moment, im collating the tracks im recording with later on onto one CD. This is taking place at Ed's house.
This whole thing came about cause my grandad asked me to record him one track, and the best way of doing it we've found is to use cooledit and soundforge on a pc, however, one track is a bit piddling, so i kinda got a few other tracks and im gonna record them all- it'll make some great personalised pressies tho for grandparents etc, also im gonna give abbie a copy, cause she's a star! and if anyone else wants one then ask me and ill see.... im not really one for displaying myself in a showcase....
i really cant wait until friday, not because its valentines day (eugggh WHY did someone invent a day that leaves the majority of people feeling totally rejected and unappreciated!) but because im going to Hertford, to visit Abbie, which probably means i won't get to update this in any real way, but ill keep it up on paper and transfer when im back. I really need to get out of Sheffield for a weekend, it think, or more to the point, i think i just need to go and see Abbie, i had an email from her yesterday, and i get the impression that things aren't going quite as well as they could be- the inference that her reason for carrying on is me getting down there gives me that impression, and i just hope that i can live up to that. I know that I can't make everything right for her, nor can she for me, (but i'll give it a good try!) but i reckon some quality time together could sort a lot out. Im feeling no awkwardness or animosity like last time she came home, that was really hard, but we talked that through- it was just weird, having her disappear and then reappear and our friendship changing slightly in the process, but definately for the better i think. We're still as close as ever if not closer, and ive learned that the amount of time we spend together may have diminished, but that only becomes a barrier if you let it.
I woke up this morning tho, and declared war on valentines day.
Maybe im just bitter about the fact that i never got a valentines card that wasnt a joke, or anti valentines card, but every year i see my friends, that i care about put through the same turmoil and traumas of "No one loves me", "no one even likes me", "i must be a dog", and it's ridiculous!!!!! My plan this year though is to make my friends feel appreciated and show them that they are loved, by sending them a valentines card which explains all the things i love about them.... i might get slated, but so what! see if i care!!!!
ive got some ideas now as to what i want to put on my website, which is good, cause ive been a bit stuck.... i might see if there are any decent design tools at uni... i know that hallam all get use of dreamweaver while theyre there, but im not at hallam. im at sheffield. sometimes i doubt that i should be anywhere, but at the same time i know that it was only through the grace of God that i am there, so im gonna stick it out, and hey, a class of 4 for greek is well cool!
but back to what i was saying- i think i want a website that isnt really self promoting, saying "hey look, im me, this is all you could ever want to know and look at how good i am!" i want a website that yes, reflects me, but isnt about me, it /is/ me, at the moment, the details are vague, but i might put some of my songs up there, and if i get some decent photos, some of my art, and some of my stories, and other stuff, and whatever else i feel i should. It's still a concept at the moment, but i have hope for it, which is more than i can say about some things at the moment.
this has taken me ages so far, and its quite a long one, and to be honest it doesnt feel as if im getting anwhere, the purpose of this blog is a place where i can empty my head onto something, and then i can evaluate it, and if others want to do the same thats okay, and if they want to psychoanalyse me too then thats okay.
Hehe, psychoanalysis is a standing joke between myself and Abigail. We have spent hours trying to work out what would be said if we were to be psychoanalysed. We never came up with an answer. I think that i would be deemed insane, and Abbie, well, i'd have said the sae for her too, and i reckon she probably would still say the same, but she has grown. She's grown so much, and i am so proud of her. She's going to be okay, and for that I praise the lord.
one thing i have worked out in the process of this blog however, is that there is a poem inside me waiting to be written, an occurence which hasnt been existant for a while now. thats cool. i was beginning to think that my writing/songwriting/arty/creative/crafty days were numbered. The last one i wrote was in 2000. ive just not been able to write, to express myself... this may be a new starting...
as promised, this is the latest from the other blog
[2/10/2003 5:00:36 AM | sara smith]
hmmm. well, after my feeble attempt at creating a website at the weekend (when i wasnt in leeds or at church) i realised that apart from having forgotten most of my "skills" in HTML, i was not feeling inspired at all. however, thats no reason to start this and then just FTP it later i guess....
i can only do a short one at the mo, i have a lecture in 10 and im 12 floors up the arts tower. Aside from that, i dont really have very much to say.
well i do, but its all scrunched up into a little ball of string, and as soon as i can find the end of it i will probably unravel. that'll be interesting, and in a weird way im looking forwards to it.
The only other thing that i would say at the moment is that i got a really nice text from joel last night (1.17am actually) if id kept my fone on then it probably would have made me cry, but id turned it off cause i didnt want to face anyone.
anyhow, the roman world awaits me followed by greek. then i need to go buy lots of denim from fabric warehouse....
cant wait to see abbie on friday.
Monday, February 10
well, this is my second blogger, my first one i didnt really keep very up to date- i updated it earlier today, but ive kinda fallen out with it, so it seems that it is time for a fresh start, even though the craze seems to have caught on a bit, especially with people at church...
so... if youre reading this, enjoy - you might even gain an insight into my head (if so, then answers on a postcard) :)
i think im gonna post up the post i made earlier on here, tho cause its where im at at the moment (or earlier today)