hmmmmmmm. mum is trying to send me to argos to buy some fans.......
not helpful when i wanted to do work, /and/ she's called on the whole lets go to the bingo tonight plan.....
not a happy bunny.... i mean im trying to do some work here!!!!!
Saturday, May 31
hmmmmmm. it seems ticketmaster have screwed up bon jovi big styke in termns of what theyve done with the tickets....
its all interesting anyhow..... 27 days till manchester woohoo!!!!
the party last night was madness.....
we found out what happens when you wash tea towels with an alternate tray content (ie instead of detergent and softener, red wine, directors, a plastic chip fork, and washing up liquid) :S it didnt blow up anyhow!!!!
it was of hte better nights out id had in a while, and i was still safely home in time for red dwarf :)
Your filestore usage exceeds your filestore allocation on Digley.
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- in lieu of this any mail which is sent to me should be sent to saralouisesmith @ (spaces to avoid loads of spam)
until otherwise informed, sorry bout that guys.... its only til i can get to uni to stick it all onto zip
Friday, May 30
sheffield, has its bad points, and whilst the rep is for steel, crappy football teams and a good few celebrities which were very successful such as:
def leppard
human league
joe cocker
dave berry
paul carrack
bruce dickinson of iron maiden fame (and also an international class fencer did you know!!!)
tony christie
eliot kennedy
that'll do for music....
actorsy type people.....
michael palin
diana rigg
sean bean
brian blessed
peter stringfellow
marti caine
helen sharman (she went to my school)
sportsy people....
lots here,
sebastian coe
mick mcCarthy
neil warnock
howard wilkinson
chris turner
dane whitehouse
david hurst
lee westwood
mark roe
darren gough
michael vaughn (he taught me how to play cricket!!!)
dickie bird
Herol "Bomber" Graham, Price Naseem Hamed, Ryan Rhodes, Paul "Silky" Jones, Johnny Nelson, Clinton Woods and Junior Witter. Trainer Brendan Ingle
just while i was looking..... to prove sheffield's superiority to preston, (no match really) i came across the following...
Funny Asian Man
What's Your Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla
what the.....?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the
world in a negative or positive way and you'll
never judge or assume a situation- you just
look at the facts. People like you are peaceful
and accepting.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
brought to you by Quizilla
oooooh... tha's interesting..... and quite accurate.. i like the idea of being a wolf...
am still being allergic but not sunburnt anymore.
the dog is also going beserk, but i cant work out whats wrong... i think it must be too hot for him..ive checked his water and everything... and he's got the dor open so he can go outside and stuff.....
am trying to make an order on the soul survivor website at the moment, but the page is refusing to load properly....
ahhhhhh the old casualty's were great....
althought the mike barrat era were good too....
today involves work i guess....
am gonna get dressed and wander up to co op and get some lunch fairly soon...might watch face/off tonight as well....
have worked out my portfolio content, which means i can just go and write the thing now :))
Thursday, May 29
got well sunburnt today.... shame,.. am reacting again as well....
chris is debating coming to philly on sunday....
that could be interesting...
have gotten somewhere with work today too, woohoo..
songs im listening to at the moment:
the evenescence album
the foo fighters album
led zepplin- rock n roll
rainbow- lady of the lake
whitesnake- love aint no stranger
plus some others
blogger still refuses to acknowledge the songlist thingy so i cant change it....
Wednesday, May 28
am gonna apply for a job at carphone warehouse i think... can go nowhere if it wants....
im in the mood where i want to dress entirely in black and wear lots of eyemakeup and go and jumop around and smash guitars and go RRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
just not like avril lavigne....
im actually feeling quite good today, all things considering, not what i thought the case to be....
i have to say that im feeling quite driven though asw well..
something rich said to me l\ast night... he said lots, but one of the thngs that stood out was the comment "iut depends how badly you want it" the answer is badly enough.
i will go anywhere, do anything i have to ..... is that badly enough???
got to go.. being kicked off pc's at uni...
sara x
Tuesday, May 27
just spent 13 quid on fone call to rich.... id put 20 quid on my fone tho cause id figured it may have been a long call....
also spent an hour laying in a field whilst doijng so.... see who on earth said i was sane??
not sure i can cope with whats going on at the moment, but im fighting, in my own way, shame that one of my worst enemies is me.
i bought the evenescence album today after spending the day at philadelphia. i have to say its good. very good. am on my second listen through now. asm glad i got into town when i did as theres a random open top bus tour of the blades through town.... hopefully will be all over by the time i go home or its gonna be absolute havoc.
so me.... well, today i bumped into nathan which was a huge surprise, (simeons brother) found out about the mass trip to corp which had taken place last night, which again i wasnt invited to....., also found out that nathan and his wife are living quite near me, like across the road from my old house quite near me so am gonna call in at some point.; he's currently working for kings sporsts camps and is gonna do a qualification in youth work which is cool.... also found out that sim is back for 2 weeks.... will try and give him a ring soon.
i guess at the moment things are quite upside down... lots of themes im being challenged on are reccurring in many different situations, and there are times when i think that that is kinda cool, and gives me some drive to deal with it, and then there are other times when it seems hopeless and completely out of reach and i just want to run and hide. today is one of the other times... i think that i just have to get on with it tho....
it hard.... one thing i really struggle with is the way in which i feel paralysed and frozen, with no way of unfreezing, the numbness which at the same time is pain that ive forced myself to ignore but im unable to kill the switch that keeps it that way....
theres a song in me at the moment, but it isnt vocalising itself, which is a shame.,... still i reckon it may well thunder tonight.. its threatened it all day and ill go sit on the hills and write if so...
there so much that i dont know where to begin..............................................
i bought the evenescence album today after spending the day at philadelphia. i have to say its good. very good. am on my second listen through now. asm glad i got into town when i did as theres a random open top bus tour of the blades through town.... hopefully will be all over by the time i go home or its gonna be absolute havoc.
so me.... well, today i bumped into nathan which was a huge surprise, (simeons brother) found out about the mass trip to corp which had taken place last night, which again i wasnt invited to....., also found out that nathan and his wife are living quite near me, like across the road from my old house quite near me so am gonna call in at some point.; he's currently working for kings sporsts camps and is gonna do a qualification in youth work which is cool.... also found out that sim is back for 2 weeks.... will try and give him a ring soon.
i guess at the moment things are quite upside down... lots of themes im being challenged on are reccurring in many different situations, and there are times when i think that that is kinda cool, and gives me some drive to deal with it, and then there are other times when it seems hopeless and completely out of reach and i just want to run and hide. today is one of the other times... i think that i just have to get on with it tho....
it hard.... one thing i really struggle with is the way in which i feel paralysed and frozen, with no way of unfreezing, the numbness which at the same time is pain that ive forced myself to ignore but im unable to kill the switch that keeps it that way....
theres a song in me at the moment, but it isnt vocalising itself, which is a shame.,... still i reckon it may well thunder tonight.. its threatened it all day and ill go sit on the hills and write if so...
there so much that i dont know where to begin..............................................
hmmmmmmm. was gonna edit the songs..... however the code has disappeared..... still blogger has been screwed for a couple of days.... and ive said what ive been listenign to anyhow....
and a lot of people were'nt very happy in sheffield tonight....
comiserations i guess to you guys...
just got in from the cinema. seen matrix reloaded for the second time now. stayed in for the teaser for the third film this time, and have got some ideas as to the plot/storyline. im not going to post for a while cause therell be people that havent seen it... and im noce and considerate like that. i will say that whilst i was able to predict some of the ideas which would take place in this film, im not necessarily right about the next one. i listened and watched for some of the more subtle moments this time and was drawn to the scoring of the film..... its not as good as the first one. there are some points where its not right for that part, but they are few, and the rest of it is amazing.... the subtleties within the pieces themselves are sublime...... if i learned one thing in a level music it was to be able to take a piece of music of more than 3 minutes in length and pull it to pieces within 3 minutes and within 2 listenings, and i did that with some of it....of course film scoring is not conventional music writing, which is probably why i got on with it so well when doing my a levels, there is a lot more to be considered, specially in the intricasies of underscoring and building it up into an overscore. the prime example of this was the part with morpheus and the twins and the samurai sword- at first listen the music stops and then another piece begins, but the change is actually before then.... it is so subtle that you dont notice it and that is the whole point of it!!!! in some ways it must seem a really screwed job to some people- you know you've done well if no one notices what youve done.... not an ethic which is followed in the world today generally. people strive for recognition, for acknowledgement, for affirmation, and they look in the wrong places. It takes a secure person to do a job like that as their career. id love to be able to say that i have that characteristic, however im not sure that i can. hmmmmmm that really wasnt where i was taking that!!!!! oh well...
Monday, May 26
half time and sheffield utd are 3-0 down to wolves.... wolves have been playing very defensively when not pushing for the goal, i thikn hteyre strategy will change this half, somethign that utd should be able to take advantage of although neil warnock has been banned from the dugout which i think may well cause a loss of confidence in some of the younger inexperienced players, but if they look to stu they should be able to gain confidence, however as i type this theyve missed a penalty.... oh well... a lot opf people wont be very happy in sheffield tonight....
im gonna buy the evenescence album i think... ive heard a few of the songs off it now and i like them all so i think im gonna buy it
i'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all my childish fears
and if you have to leave
i wish that you would just leave
'cause your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone
these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase
when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
i held your hand through all of these years
but you still have
all of me
you used to captivate me
by your resonating life
now i'm bound by the life you left behind
your face it haunts
my once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away
all the sanity in me
these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase
i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
but though you're still with me
i've been alone all along
strangely relevant at the moment, and a good song!
ok, before i go to bed and write lots... cool testimony.
okay, whenever ive done anything that involved singing in front of people, especially worship stuff, i get ill before i do it.
not this time tho, i was okay, praise the lord! its the first time in 10 years that ive done something and not gotten ill first.
as a slight contrast tho, ive broken out- im not sure with what or why, but its an allergy/reaction to something but i dont know what. like, its not soap powder cause it would be more than it is, and its not grass or bites..... im really really blotchy, have swellings and rashes and i itch like fury at the moment. when it started up i thought it was my excma set off by the heat (which isnt unheard of) but it isnt.... it looks like ive got measles almost (but i havent)...... strange.... and i really hope it doesnt keep me up tonight cause i need the sleep. might not be going anywhere tomorrow..... the walk i took earlier just about did me in. - i walked around 3 miles, which is generally fine.... but not tonight.
anyhoo im gonna go write the important things i can remember down cause thats sensible.
man, what a day!!!
started by singing and dancing to 'god's people arent superbrave super heroes' in PJ's, dynamites went well, and then had to go find some shoes (will fill you in on that next time!!) then got to philadelphia at 4pm to practice for the evening, had the evening then got totally blitzed at the end....
thats all im gonna say now, but there may be more later......
help much appreciated!
Saturday, May 24
well, im just about to get ready to set off to jo's house for tonights stomp/dynamites social extravaganza!!!! i will arrive there amed with a few films and ice cream for all, and a vid for tomorrows object lesson :)
i tried my hair with the clay and i now see what it does to my hair so i think that that combined with some other stuff will create some interesting things.... i want my hair trimming and styling properly though soon, anyone got any ideas??? (have never been to a hairdressers in my life and proud of it!!! would like it shaping tho.)
the films ive got will be fine for the object lesson.... im just a lil slightly bit worried tho cause the films i have are pg upwards, but the bit im using in the object lesson is a high special fx action scene with no swearing or huge violencey bits (will prolly be the end on MIB i think, or the opening fight in rush hour, both are highly spectactular but quite child friendly....) i dont think im breaking any laws or anything.... disney and cartoonys tend not to lend themselves that much.....
oh well, if the worst comes to the'll be okay.
am staying at jo's tonight tho, so need to take everything i need for tomorrow hence getting ready now.
am gonna try and go wash this clay outta my hair now.
see yas tomorrow prolly if youll be at church...
hi ho hi ho, its back to work i go....
im gonna have a break now tho and see if i can do my hair..... will be impressed if i can :)
will have to picture it and put it up here.....and no im not going to tell you what i plan to do!! :P
You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
hmmmmmmmmm. me has to wonder about that one.......
Friday, May 23
ok, well tomorght was supposed to be 'tonight' but its a nice ambiguous word meaning tonight/tomorrow/tomorrow night. all credit to me please :D
have just been to see matrix: reloaded. am gonna go again on monday. the third one will be better i think.... it was good, dont get me wrong there... but it wasnt as strong as the first one (tho thats partly cause i have the concept of it now whereas i didnt before)
will catch the trailer at the end next time....
am not gonna say anyhting re: the film... thatd be spoiling it.
props to the guy who plays agent smith tho, cause he's getting around and making some good films atm.
tomorght!!!! what a word! whats it mean....
ill tell ya layter ;-) gotta go and fly like the wind....
or shine like a star- or summat...... :S
ahhhhhhh. am being asked bus timetables now as well as trying to work!!!!!! luckily i saved time by showering whilst makeing a ccup of tea :)
For me, this was a case of deciding whether or not my personal opinions in class were those reached due after looking at the sources, theories and arguments only, or whether my own personal beliefs were tainting the conclusions I had reached appertaining to the individual scenario.
quite like this for a sentence :)
right... well today consists of the following...
finish my self apprasial which im currently writing final version of. im at the end of the first of 5 sections and on 300 words... its meant to be around a thousand in total..... hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!
then its off to see ruth for a lil while and then back to the library and start my Jesus man and myth stuff. or roman world....
lol. then prayers and then back and do some more work i guess.....
watched lord of the rings again last night.
i hate writing about myself.... its like I thought this, and this was what i actually did and so self focussed... hehe i guess thats the point.... but i still dont like it!!!!!
I MISS ABBIE. im really hoping that she got to switzerland ok, im sure she did and shell be having a fab time.
actually i may go and ambush chris this afternoon..... or maybe not..... arrrrrg. cant concentrate!! must....... do......this........thing!!!!!!
Thursday, May 22
well, my meeting with my personal tutor went really well!
it wasnt how i expected it to be. she said that she thought i was doing okay and that health stuff aside things have been quite good. she was happy about my module choice for next year (hah! what choice!) and thinks that ill enjoy the bible and the arts. In terms of my self appraisial she thinks its good, and as long as i hand it in to her tomorrow morning ill get a first and she thinks it will be a high first from the look of my draft- woohoo that excites me. i also found that i was actually able to talk.... may sound stupid but i get really scared when talking to personal tutors (dating back to mr davidson and compounded by mr beadman) and actually voicing an opinion that is my own or commenting about myself, and today i just got on with it, and it was fine. this inspires me and gives me some hope where there was only murky fog....
im about to do the final fdraft of my self appraisial. then im going to hand it in for checking, and then nip upstairs and write it up fully in order to hand in tomorrow. then i guess do some of the Jesus man and myth portfolio and the roman world portfolio.i then have saturday to start writing some of it up. sunday is a busy day... and then its monday and work until wednesday (i estimate) and that then gives me a week to revise which is actually quite good. Cause of the whole beign ill thing im starting to panic cause im not in as control of it all as i might be but i guess i just have to leave it in the hands of someone who is much better than me and trust that it will happen according to God's plan and purpose. i guess realistically i can do it. well sufficiently to pass. the thing im actually most worried about is being able to get a doctors note to account for absences and stuff, as my doctors have never been very forthcoming with that kind of thing and i really need it.
will probably post later as i take a break from working.
okay. just arrived back from the arena (well around half an hour ago now)
it was quite good. some people dont know the meaning of feeling antisocial tho.
the night was enjoyed by all on the whole tho from what i can tell so yeah. at the moment all i want to do is sleep. ive had the shakes half of the day and felt pretty lousy on the whole. not sure why, but i cant sleep now as my neck is killing. am gonna go lay down and watch tv or something after rearranging my pillows so as to prevent as much pain as possible.
Wednesday, May 21
okay well, i was saying that ive just been playing my flute for the first time in 18 months. i bought a book yesterday of some grade 5/6 stuff as it would be slightly silly to jump bakc in at grade 8. my wrists arent too good at the moment but im being careful. technically i can still play which is nice. i remeber all the fingerings including trill fingerings....
last night was really cool. went to prayers which was inspiring and then went and say hi to joel and we ended up eating pizza (as neither of us had eaten xept for the amazing ice cream sunday id had yesterday) and phish food. as i left he said something quite profound- the boy is growing up and its really good to see.
today should be fun. i need to write my self appraisial. what im going to dsay i dont know!!!! i cant do thigns like that... im not qualified and im too self deprecating, anyhow... then me and my dad are heading up to danshouse to meet him and ed and eds mum and we're heading off to the arena to see Y&T, gary moore and whitesnake !!!! woohoo!!!!!!
i think dan is excited too.....have just messaged him on msn:
"sara says:
see you at 4.15!
AutoMessage: I am Sleeping to get myself ready for WHITESNAKE tonight baby!!!!!!!!!"
so yeah... good day in store, i was gonna have mentoring this afternoon, but ruth isnt very well so keep her in your prayers.
two more things, a new site to visit.... furious george is on the run! joel introduced me to it last night, and its hilarious!!! i think ant may especially find it amusing ;-)
k, well have good days y'all.
without going into huge detail about whats going on (which i cant seem to do at the moment even tho id like to- i feel as if my 'space' is being invaded hugely) i know a bit more, and thats kinda helpful.
by the way i thoroughly recommend lee's latest post some stuff on there that i really agree with in terms of where our focus should be, and there is only one place, and that place is Jesus, and from my own experience things happen when i stop concentrating on the problem and instead just look to jesus, the author and perfector of my faith and trust that he is bigger than anything.
Monday, May 19
ahhhh. im in pieces.
went to prayers and just sat there.....
then jo came and found me and wanted to know what was going on and i had to tell her that i didnt know cause i didnt....
and then joannah had a thing after the talk which was very specifically me.
i got a lift home from rich which was a real blessing, and we chatted in the car and i feel a lil better for it, and am gonna try and make some sense of everything now.
hope that everyone is okay,
love to all friends,
ok. plan for nowl. having spent an hour and a half on the phone to abbie this afternoon im now about to kickback with my lunch/tea combo and watch a film. abbie goes to switzerland tomorrow on mision for two weeks. she really doesnt want to go.
it was good to be able to talk to her tho and catch up.
i dont know where i stand with anything tho at the moment which made some interesting conversation lol. i think the best plan for the evening is prayers then 2020. relatively low sociability factors there.... and less threatening. really need non threatening atm.
Switzerland -
A neutral power for as long as most can remember,
it has avoided war for several centuries.
However, it is still considered highly advanced
and a global power.
Powerful without Force.
Makes Excellent Watches, Etc.
Target of Ridicule.
Constant Struggle to Avoid Conflict.
Target of Criminal Bank Accounts.
Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm exceptionally artistic!
Find your soul type at
Virtues: You look for immense creativity and individuality in people, including yourself. You're not happy with anything less than brilliant, and you focus on being expressive. You value energy, liveliness, and upbeat personalities, but you're not supportive of moodiness when you yourself can be unreliably moody. Seeking activity, you like the bustle of business but need the secluded atmosphere of a studio or private corner.
Aspirations: You feel the need to express your talents, whether it be through writing, drawing, singing, dancing, composing, performing, or photographing. While you strive to ever improve your work, you want to display it as soon as possible when your impatience kicks in. You want to be a prodigy but you might not have the means right at your fingertips. Trust me, do NOT move to New York to do it. Yeesh!
Quirks: Conformists bother you because of their lack of individuality. You're often late or unreliable. You're showy and refuse to share the spotlight. You only tell little white lies. You worm your way into the hearts of others, but be careful; some people despise the show-offs.
Factors: Surround yourself with activity and you'll always have material to work with. Involve friends and family in your projects so they don't feel like envious outsiders.
Future: Show business or not, you'll settle down happily if you're among those who appreciate your natural talents and desire to perform. Don't stay in one place too long, and don't be too hasty in defining your relationships. Who are you to judge what only time will tell?
You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Pierce Brosnan Bond- you kick ass as 007
Which GOOD James Bond are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
well, i woke up this morning with the most banging headache ever. the fact that ive seemingly been trying to suffocate myself in my sleep possibly didnt aid that very much....... it kinda means work this morning is out cause i cant concentrate with head pain. not that i have much of an attention span anyway. i have to keep flicking between things. am going to watch x-files this morning in around 10 minutes. yeah im well confused.
am doing several quizzes at the moment.... cause i want to for no other reason.
oh and one other question.... are there anymore adults out there who have to sleep with the light on, with music playing and a teddy??? i think i may be the only one.
i seriously need to move out. for the three months that are as yet ambiguous if possible. however... i see several drawbacks to this.
dammit! im shellshocked.
arg.... have some more quizzes....

You are the most universal mythical beast ever. Sightings of the unicorn have been reported from all over the world, even in modern times. Unicorns are pure and incorruptible. In China, unicorns symbolized gentleness, good will, and wisdom. Christianity links the unicorn with Christ. It is said that unicorns would only allow virgin girls to see them, let alone touch them. They were easily lured into fatal ambushes by a virgin with some poachers waiting for the unicorn in nearby bushes. A unicorn's horn was a highly prized possession, which was reputed to have great healing capabilities. With the touch of its horn, a unicorn could bring back a person who had been dead for several hours. But when separated from the unicorn's body, the magic was significantly reduced. The unicorn had the body of a horse, a unique spiraling horn, and a lion's tail. They were pure white in color.
What mythical beast best represents you? Take the quiz!
ok... one more thing before i go to bed.....
on the links section theres a new addition.
id like to welcome shelly
i found her blog and found that i was linked on it!
she seems really cool and is well worth a read methinks!
big up to you gal!
everything is telling me to run away, to go and hide at the moment; to get out, to retreat.
spent most of the evening being dazed and confused and looking it. totally wasnt in the city. there could be several reasons for this.
3 questions i have at the moment:
a) what do you do if you cant?
b) how do you fight something which is not tangible?
c) why?
they may seem slightly abstract and weird but hey.... thats me.
also have one or two things which im not in a place to 'go there' with. today has had some good points..... the quotes from this morning and spending time with jo.... its just that the rest of it was horrible. im also really concious at the moment as to how other people see me. Am i really a spoiled brat who is used to getting her own way all the time and cant accept anythign else?
thats one way in which i can say i have never actually seen myself. but maybe i am... i dont know now.
so now im going to go and crawl to my room and wait for the tide to wash over me.
tomorrow i have work to do and a call from abbie to take. i dont think im going to go to inspire. will go to 2020... but i dont know. thats how im feeling at the moment with the day anyhow. i guess it depends on what happens tonight.
last night was the first night in a long while that ive had dreams which havent been bad..... they were just plain weird! i woke up at 4am with joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat running through my head thinking it was much later than it actually was and wide awake. managed to convince myself otherwise and go back to sleep but had really weird dreams about coloured coats and beign thrown down a watershoot cause they were all out of wells and talking camels..... then i woke myself up.
hmmmmm. look at the small talk im failing to make here.
k, am eloping.
Sunday, May 18
hello, im at jo godfreys house at the moment introducing her to the joys of blogging!
she says : "hey you funky people's!"
- this would be indeed, typische
she would also like to recommendfishpie!
so today involved dynamites, which was well cool, and we organised a social which will be wicked!
am about to set off walking to philly so will see some of you there maybe.....????
ps. certain people seem to be objecting to like freedom of speech and stuff so i cant say much anymore about a lot of things i guess, cause that would be objected to.... oh the complexity of human nature.... lol....
and no im not having a stress, but i object to certain things and that is one of them. still friends tho ?? you know who im talking to if this is you. no offence meant but dont take it so personally that i dont tell people everything.
Saturday, May 17
may i recommend fishpie (the album) very highly. i have to say its sounding very impressive although have only listened thru it once properly, tho a positive from me after one listen has to be quite good!!! well done guys!
am going to check the interactive cd bits out tomorrow.....
night y'all
well, im now back in sheffield again (tho at the moment it is not so sunny)
its been a weirdy couple of days. ive had information overload with a fair bit of things. especially in relation to myself and how i work and stuff.... tho have been up ince 4am this morning so its prolly not the best idea to talk about it now, so am gonna have a serious game of tony hawks and then sleep before stomp thing i will say however is that it was good to see richard and tracy this evenoing, even if it did feel really awkward withit being at brenda's and all that but hey...
have gone wiht the good things... and rich made me a parrot in a cage... will treasure it forever (well till it deflates!)
Friday, May 16
well, im currently up and getting ready to leave the house... need to make sure that i hvae everything because im not coming back after i have gone. i need to take my guitar, which im going to leave at church after prayers, and my notes, and my reading assignments for one of my modules for the train, PJ's and clean clothes. thats should all fit in my rukky. although i need to get a new rukky as the one i have is finally dying...anyhow. better go get ready and finish watching the x-files :)
Thursday, May 15
wel the impromptu tea i think was helpful..... ed was well pissed off with life so suggested tea and chocolate mousse which seemed to help....
also bumped into ruth williams as well which was nice.
am nearly ready for london, iv got what im saying planned - just need to write the acetate out and im staying at ruth's for the night as we are catching the 5.20 am.
thanksgiving for today: the grace that ive got with all of the lecturers at uni at the moment in terms of deadlines and exams.
as i look at the television, the match has entered extra time. im not a huge united fan, but i hope they get promoted- they really deserve it and itd be nice to have a sheffield team back in the premiership; after all sheffield /is/ home to the oldest club in the world.
i also photocopied the whole of the reading assignments for one of my modules today, cost me 4 £ and i now need to recredit my card.... but itll provide some good reading for the train!!!
oooooh... a corner with seconds to go before hte end of half time! (my dad wants to know the final score) im waiting for abbie to text me to say that she's back home so i can ring her at the moment.
have just spent a little while talking to rebecca, chris's sister, who goes to america next week for 5 weeks.... it'll be fabulous.... hope she really enjoys herself. Am about to email the stomp/dynamites team as jo's internet is broken :( and we have stuff to tell them.
as well as try and sort several random things out at the same time....
Wahey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! united score with a BRILLIANT AMAZING GOALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
and they won :D
well i have to say that it wasnt too bad...
basically got there, was encouraged that havent /completely/ forgotten everything, and john said that as long as i hand in something of each assignment i get a grade for the coursework, and also got a breakdown of the contents of the exam and it looks like i can pass that. exam is worth 70% in total. i reckon ill take in 15% (50% of 30%) whichmeans that i need to get 25% to pass and mjore to do better, but all i need to do is pass and anythign else will be a blessing. the breakdown is 80 marks on grammar and writing out of paradigms (my worst thing) 20 marks on wenham-esque sentences (second worst) and 100 marks on set text (30 translation and 20 comprehension for both luke and mark) so i should actually pass which is a blessing.
Also got back my roman world essay. i was one mark off a first but i was well impresed with that!!!!! i was quite disappointed at that but actually very quickly realised that its he best mark ive had other than latin coursework and so have absolutely no reason to be disappointed with myself, and thats encouraged me with the portfolio as it means that i was doing something right and can therefore reproduce that and hopefully get into the exam needing only 20% in the exam (10% total) to actually pass comfortably.
next year is looking better as a prospect which is nice.
After my lectures i went and got some lunch. and bumped into jack, and we had a really good half an hour of chat, in which it unfolded that phil had decided he "couldnt commit to the band" due to being engaged but coulnt tell me either.... hmmmmmmmmm. but jack is well up for continuing which is brilliant- i love the guy to pieces- hes got a similar sense of humour and is ver 'me' in some ways but also very different - its nice, and we get on really well and he's a good friend. anyway. impromptu tea with people calls so i must be off. am feeling quite positive now :) so thee is a smile, and there is hope :)
so today i go and face the giant that has become one of the bains of my life. GREEK (dum dum duuuuuuuuuuum!)
i am very much not looking forwards to it, but it is somethign that i just have to do and get on with, and hey- im remembering that i wont have to do it anymore after my exam unless i want to, and as soon as ive finished having to do it, ill not have any problem with it and will probably persue it myself and find someone to give me a hand f i get stuck. yes i know, i am that darn predictable.
last night i watched bill and ted, and then the green mile, as i couldnt sleep. i didnt do the all nighter due to a headache. i seem to be getting them more frequently which isnt good, as i really cant cope with head pain, but i ve got things to try for later. today im going to work on the Jesus man and myth stuff and get that portfolio ready and then on saturday on the train find my research for the roman world portfolio which will then just need fixing up.
this is encouraging as it means that im then almost on top of everything and i have free time to revise (although ive never been a huge fan of revision, cause my philiosophy is that if you dont know it you wont learn it) i wont do huge amounts though cause it tends to throw me slightly. the main worries i have are dates and people in roman world, as i have real problems associating people with doing things and dates with people. the only time which goes against the norm is GCSE history, and the medicine modules and the west america modules. so roman world multichoie section of the exam may be bad, as may the essays, especially if it starts asking me all about what year cicero did whatever he did.....
stargate had murdok from the A-team in.... twas slightly weird, but it was a good episode, as was the xfiles. see why cant channels put things like this on at decent times???
well im gonna go get ready to face the challenge of greek and all that brings and then face doing the portfolio, which will be okay as soon as i get hold of the excercises i need to do :S
hehe... nah itll be okay. one is an excercise in redaction criticism, which is fine as soon as i get the passages. the another is a commentary on a documentary and its all things like that so actually it will be okay.
im not worried about that. and i have enough source material to make the roman world portfolio good ( at least id say its good.)
also needing a job... might see if i can get a saturday one.. there was one going in HMV..... theres also hollywood bowl.... see what i can get i guess... may just wait till ive finished my exams to sort it tho....
dont have to pay tax on anything under 4 grand a year earned while im a student so thats helpful although i dunno what would happen with things like council tax etc.... hmmmmmm. need to look into it.
Wednesday, May 14
Q. How do you know when youre heading down the road trowards spinsterhood?
A. when on your way home you realise there is no food in the house so you buy yourself a microwave meal and a carton on B&J cookie dough with the intention of watching a video and eating the ice cream.
i dont mind, i can cope with being a spinster i guess.
bought some videos today to widen my growing collection.
american pie collectors edition
bridget jones' diary
bill and teds excellent adventure
road trip
the green mile
lord of the rings were the lucky 6
i actually wanted to buy spiderman and the matrix, but i could only find spiderman on dvd and hmv couldnt decide how much the matrix was :S
but hey.. all 6 vids only cost me 25 quid....
will have to get a dvd player soon tho i reckon cause its easier to find stuff.
am gonna go and watch bill and ted and eat some ice cream now. am gonna pull an all nighter tonight i think. which then means im not peeing the house off by typing furiously .'. creating noise pollution (!) and hogging the pc.
okay am off now. talk to y'all later. am looking forwards to my playtime for this week.... this evening is portfolio. tomorrow lectures and then portfolio friday hand portfolio in. saturday london and sunday kids stuff etc, then monday tuesday wednesday is the other portfolio and the essay i havent done yet...
okay it asked you to estimate it.... i estimated mine at around 120 and it says that i have an iq of 138.
i think theres a huge flaw in there somewhere personally...hehe
well im off to philadelphia in a while to meet hendryx. not sure what were going to do. i think we will go to the cinema but what to see i dont know...
hmmmmm. just got an email fro alison... bibs secretary... mr wade isnt very happy wiht me.
am gonna email him and let him know he should have had the third assignment already and that im having trouble with the fourth...
pleeeeease someone help me!!!!
do you not think that the pic currently on Ant's website looks a bit like neo matrix stylee? or am i the only one thinking that???? am about to do the bbc IQ test cause i didnt do it at the time when it was on..... wonder if i can beat last years score of getting one question wrong?????
we'll be back soon
Tuesday, May 13
today i went to derby, and did this day on all age worship. learned some stuff and spurred a few ideas so that was quite good and helpful. lots of work to do tomorrow but am meeting hendryx after lectures. we're prolly going to go to the cinema.... that'll be cool,
by the way look at his experiments theyre the kind of cray bizarre thing id attempt, and kinda have.... i dont think eating a tin of brad beans combined with 6 mini jackets with garlic butter is the best idea ever.... the broccoli carrots sugar snaps and corn were fine!
todays thanksgiving would be the fact that i didnt have to pay for anybus fare ont he way home, which means that my 7 day saver will last extra days cause i didnt have to get it today!
am really tired and spaced tho at the moment so am gonna go to bed i think....
take care.
today i went to derby, and did this day on all age worship. learned some stuff and spurred a few ideas so that was quite good and helpful. lots of work to do tomorrow but am meeting hendryx after lectures. we're prolly going to go to the cinema.... that'll be cool,
by the way look at his experiments theyre the kind of cray bizarre thing id attempt, and kinda have.... i dont think eating a tin of brad beans combined with 6 mini jackets with garlic butter is the best idea ever.... the broccoli carrots sugar snaps and corn were fine!
todays thanksgiving would be the fact that i didnt have to pay for anybus fare ont he way home, which means that my 7 day saver will last extra days cause i didnt have to get it today!
am really tired and spaced tho at the moment so am gonna go to bed i think....
take care.
i wonder if eating huge amounts of broad beans has any adverse effect???
i really fancied some broad beans, so i bought a tin and am currently eating them, another 4 of my 5 a day and mini jackets with garlic butter.
am now doig several quizzes on quizilla.... id completely forgotten this site existed until earlier when i recieved the link....
oh and ive found how to stop feeling sick..... lemon barley water ... quite by accident
cant sleep so am looking for things. might be constructive to do some work but nah, thats too sensible....
am trying to be well organised and organise various bits of my life. am trying to find the card from inspire on monday to file it but i cant... and i cant remember where i put it. but i know its somewhere safe- it would just be useful to find it now!!!!
on the plus side tho, my bag is now tidy and i found a few notes from uni......
Monday, May 12
well ive just noticed that today managed to get 172 hits to the page... may i just ask HOW??????
not that i mind- tho its kinda weird to have lots of people peeking inside my brain....
but hey. bring it on! i hope i challenge some of ya into being better people!!!
feel free to visit anytime, just drop on in :) and if ya wanna ask anything the addy is on the page.
Midnight - You are a deep thinker, always searching
for answers and never quite at home. You are
very contemplative, and enjoy being alone with
your thoughts.
When are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
apparently i am also midnight.....
so apparently im wolverine.... strange how he is one of my favourite x-men dontcha think??
was sent the link by a friend of mine who is mad on marvel.... i can see why :)
this evening was good. the guys from kings were at 2020 which was nice. also met someone involved with arbourthorne which was cool. am not going to be long cause i need to be at the train station for 8.30 in the morning. I got a lift home from rich robinson which was really cool, and had a fun chat and stuff as well as navigating which i enjoy doing. anyhow.
nuff from me.
me thinks me is in huge trouble wiht the greek. am starting to panic slightly.
still, nothing that half an hour of tony hawks wont fix.
am not sleeping again whichi s pants. even wiht the light on and music as loud as i dare have it.... grrrrrr stoopid room. roll on september when i move out!
You are Wolverine!
A loner by nature, you feel uncomfortable when
around those you don't know and even those you
do. You are awkward when it comes to
relationships, but fiercely loyal to those you
Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
"WomanWizard is the software, a new product to help a man understand the woman in his life with greater ease. There is also a much smaller package being presented, ManWizard, to help a women understand her man."
info can be found here
Please go and take a look. its a good website.
i give up! it has defeated me! ive forgotten everything i knew about greek.....
instead i emailed john o brien which ive been meaning to do for ages now, and wrote a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mail! 11k in text form!
am about to set off to prayers now and will work extra hard tomorrow. might try and see if phil will give me a hand with the greek 4.....
still at least im equipped to do the portfolio and i got 2 £ off the books praise the lord!
well. ill do it later. back to the fray!
eugh. am really tired and neck/shoulders/back really hurts. i figure if i work hard now i can have a rest larter and come back motivated.
okay am sat in uni... have found my greek three and am around halfway through. have bought 2 books on the romans and arranged my 'playtime' for wednesday afternoon. am gonna go do something with hendryx and work in the evening cause we dont have small group this week so that replaces that. am quite looking forwards to it. am currently listening to daniel bedingfield (again :D )
am gonna vaguely try to redo my long post now....
hmmmmmmm. HOUSE intrusion!
my sister and two friends decided to come round for lunch. slightly scuppering my plans to go out now!!
theyre crazy! plus my sister never said that was happening. mum doesnt know and ive had to cook for them!
however it was kinda fun...
im gonna go and work at uni instead i think cause itll be quieter there plus i can then wander up to prayers before 20:20.
phew. theyve finally gone!
now i need to get ready and go. will prolly post several times form uni, and might actually get the long post redone (which was my intention wiht this post.... look where it went!)
well, upon returning home last night i wrote a post which was huge, even by /my/ standards which was really in the thick of whats going on-had some real testimony and some real resolves in there and then the pc crashed and i lost it all.
i may try again in a little while to put up something along the lines of what i had written last night but it depends how far i get with the greek. anyone around please pray that i can keep my concentration today and actually get the rotten thing done and out of the way forever!!!!!
am feeling a bit pants this morning. am not sleeping again now, even with light in my room and music on as loud as i can have it without waking anyone else up cause my walkman has dead batteries. this and finally going to sleep in a very odd position probably contributed to the headache i currently have, which has gone a bit but is still there enough to keep distracting me.
am also quite dizzy- i was yesterday and the day before tho. think that may have something to do with my ears however cause my balance has been really off for around a week now. its somethign to keep an eye on tho- not that the doctors can do anything- found that out when all the stuff with my ears started! they dont know whats wrong or why it happened. all they could tel me was how deaf id gone in each ear roughly and which frequencies and sounds i have trouble with. still in all of these things God is bigger and i have lots of things which are good. Like my friends and being able to swim and go swimming, walking in the countryside, my new map to test out.... beign able to play guitar for over an hour without having to stop again :D (thats good for when were practising) etc etc....
Sunday, May 11
words/wrong words of the week.....
1. my sister in her SATS exam (shakespeare) " the purpose of the scene was to create suspenders in the audience"
" i was sat watching it in very great suspenders " - both times she meant suspense and consequently corrected it before the end, but still funny :)
2. my mum on the bus yesterday "i was on the phone to your auntie brenda yesterday, and we were talking about you at uni and stuff and she said 'oh does sara go to church then?' and i said yeah, to st toms and your auntie brenda said ' oh thats the penticostal one isnt it..." carry on of convo and mum said "so /is/ it a penticostical one then??"
i found it amusing anyhow.......
Saturday, May 10
well...lee has come up with something interesting.... just as i was eating dumplings!!!!
also bizzare thing... was added to a random persons msn list a while ago, and theyve just started talking to me.... its a random 14 year old boy from co. durham who wants to be an actor, but he seems quite cool, so im chatting away, and it sounds like i might be able to help him a bit in terms of advice. in some ways he kinda reminds me of me when i was a bit smaller. wonder what would have happened if i /had/ have persued the performing arts route????
was gonna post this a.m when i like got up, but blogger crashed so went and did another level of theme hospital.
today ihave 6 hours to spend on greek. which is okay i guess and ill get it kinda done i guess, at least ill have somehting to hand in hopefully by the time i get to monday, which is what im aiming for.
next week is a fairly busy week too. need strength to get thru it. as well as doing this essay for bib world (which is already late) need to get jesus man and mytrh portfolio done /this/ week also need to do most of roman world portfolio and plan the self appraisial.
on tuesday im goign to derby with jo for a day on all age worship.... could be interesting. on saturday im going to london with ruth, ali and ema. that would of course be the day that rich comes to sheffield, but hopefully hell be here on sunday too and will be able to hang around for an hour or so so i can at least say hi. he's coming up to do an all age service at greenhill methodist on sunday morning. am hoping that i can leave stomp quite promptly on the 18th and get back before he goes home, which will prolly be early afternoon, tho ideally hed go home sunday night, but im guessing he'll have to work on the monday....
might give him a ring actually before getting well and truly stuck into the greek. i have my timetable for next year. its a grand total of 6 hours a week. occasionally i have to go in a watch a film as well. ;-) im in tuesdays 9-1 and wednesdays 10-12 and the films are monday afternoons. unfortunately barry isnt doing anyof my lectures :( we all like barry. thats why we formed the barry appreciation society. we understood his teaching. its a shame... instead we get cheryl for at least two modules. the problem we have with her is that she expects us to already know everythign and then have the knowledge to already put it down and everythign which of coursae is a stupid assumption. yes theres doing the reading... but........ anyhow... next year could be really really good, or really really suck.
im hoping and im going to try to ensure that is really really good tho. and hey even if it relly really sucks, i get a 5 day weekend! (weds pm to monday) :) okay im going to try and see if theres any food in the house and get some lunch and see what the hell has happened to a cd which keeps getting stuck. then its to the fray and then to the bingo! oh and tomorrow have got dynamites. need to sort out what songs am going to do as well...
anyhow. sis wants comoputer now...
oh and tomorrow i get lots of matrix things on cd :) includfing trailers posters and stuff... am gonna try and develop some art a bit....hmmmmm well, we'll see....
well, i got in a lil while ago. today i had as a rest day (much needed, and it felt the right thing to do) hence did not go into uni.
instead i pottered around a lil and then went to ed's house to do an acoustic prac... we added 'always' by bon jovi to our list. spent well over an hour working on it... worked out the chords then looked at key. difficult thing with that song is that because its written for a specific persona the key is not necessarily good for another, ie me, who happens to be at least 60% female (!) so a transposition and five frets capo-ed later, we actually had it so that the chorus was higher than the verse and still singable...
also got a couople of other songs to add...but we didnt get round to them.... also spent a while having an impromptu bass lesson, and apparently a 5 string suits me, although i cant actually tell the notes apart below an f# so acually the 5th string makes no difference to me! its about the only thing which i really dont like being affected by being a bit deaf (not jkust being stoopid there.... 5% inleft ear 10-15% in right ear) it means that low frequency pitches become distorted because certain frequencies resonate more than others.... also it does mean i have an excuse for listening to certain types of music very loudly, but yeah... apparently i have quite good technique... i may actually buy myself a lil amp and a bass dependant on if i get a well paid job over the summer- its an instrument ive wanted to learn and it could come in handy.... from then i samples a stuffed crust pizza. to be honest, while its nice... i prefer my own scone based ones....but im not a fan of pizza. then we went to ugc and saw old school. i was in the mood for puerile humour, and it was /funny/. theres also a brilliant remix of 'here i go again' which is a feature song in the film almost and it was worth it to see seann william scott with a mullet! so all in all quite a good day i guess. i havent hurt too much which has been great, although i got very charged statically as the pressure changed and it felt quyite thundery but it didnt and i grounded myself with a shock... such is life i guess....
it was also quite cool to see ruth and i both deciding to be thankful at the same time today.... i posted mine a lil later than her but i suspect we were writing at around the same time as i got distracted before posting.
tomorrow (well today really) involves greek. lots of it. it also involves going to the bingo with my mum... its always amusing cause we get really frustrated at it... hehehe. still its a nice mum and daughter type thing to do i guess, and there are worse things, and it means i dont get asked questions which either disgust me or embarrass me.cant remember if i mentioned goign for coffee with my dad on wednesday either... that was kinda cool too. it was a weird spur of the moment type thing.... phone rang whilst in uni so i rang back.... dad said "err yeah i was um just wondering if youre avaliable........(yes i am).....oh well, um.... fancy meeting me and havign a coffee or something?..." which i did and we went to the market and had a coffe in one of the cafes and then we went to valley centertainment, oh after buying a coat for dad which i advised him on, where he had to be for 2pm and had another coffee there.... i also won myself a teddy on the grabbers.
another significant thing to note i guess, which may sound really really bizzre/laughable/stupid but i dont care, is that last night for the first time i managed to actually go to sleep facing away from the door. now for most peopel probably not a big thing. for me it is huge. see whenever i try and face away from the door i cant, i have to turn round. i swear my room is haunted or something cause i get a really REALLY bad feeling if i lay facing away from the door. specially in the dark, but even with the light on and i have to turn over. but my left side has been really painful as mentioned before so ive had to either lay on my back and not get to sleep for hours cause that hurts the base of my back or to lay on my belly, but to lay on my belly gives me a really sore neck and arm cause i actually sleep in the recovery position that way, but last ngiht, i managed to sleep facing away from the door. i dont know how and i dont really care, and i wont do it tonight but thats okay... im thankful that i got a nights sleep where the only times i woke up were from dreams id had as opposed to hurting or un burying my self from the covers, or cause my sock had fallen off cause id twisted round too much (i have cold feet) or cause my arm is dead/cramping.
so yeah. today was a good day. and im hoping that this night will be a good one, where i dont have any stupid dreams or lay awake pondering for hours or end up sleeping with the light on or anythign else that is less than good.
g'night y'all
CHRIS- if you read this, then get in touch with me. have been trying to get hold of you..... would like to talk to you.
Friday, May 9
id just like to say that if youre checking this out please drop me a line and let me know! id be interested to hear from you.... ie Dan ;-)
(thats why i wanted your IP- had a hunch it was you :) hope you like it and aint too freaked!)
or anyone else... :)
started this morning with breakfast of the half a nan bread left from my tea last night and a pint of fresh orange juice... so that was quite healthy. i think im going to have scrambled eggs for dinner.... then im gonna attempt an acoustic prac.... the last one wasnt too successful- my wrist and shoulder were dead... am going to find my wrist supports out tho i think..... which is a shame cos it seems as if theyve gone downhill... its still the random almost bone pain as opposed to muscle stuff.... the thing i cant do anyhting about.
i think the muscle stuff have improved, theyre still weak but i think theyre gettin better...
the bottom of my back is much improved... just the top that hurts lots now, or maybe they both hurt and i noticed the bottom more...... i dont know.... but im not going to complain, im gonna praise the Lord for the good thats happening and keep going!7pm prayewrs last night was good...something was going on...
i guess im succeeding in taking the positive side of things as opposed to the negative. at the moment anyway...
spoke to rich last night too, which was nice.
i have 2 new blogs to start too. one is gonna have the forms of questions i have, reasearch into it, insight from various sources and arguments etc, so kinda academical scientific approach to questions/thoughts i have about things...
the other is gonna be the stuff i have written.... at present poems and prose. when i sort my site out (which will be a summer job now) ill hopefully be able to get small mp3's up there of my songs, and get some decent webspace for it. anyone knowing of any then let me know!
also to be done over the summer is getting some recording done.... i kinda have the people to do it now which is a nice feeling. i guess id better sort out whats gonna happen soon!
k, im gonna drink this cup of tea and im going to think about getting ready to go do prac. need to fit it in between 7pm prayers and poss trip to cinema....
bon jovi support acts for europe are officially out! hope its someone good, i mean seeing bon jovi is going to be AMAZING! but if theres a good support act as well......... itll almost make up on missing the first city stomp!
okay, well the hospital proved interesting.....
am a lil sore today, but its not surprising really..... after a horrendous journey down there.....sometimes i really hate buses!
plus there was a woman on the bus sat opposite me who kept staring at me and when ever i looked back (cause i really dont do peopel staring at me- it gives me a very parculiar feeling) she gave me a really evil dirty look! i was /not/ impressed. i arrived at 5.30 and was bang on time, where i was shown where i was going, and then waited 20 mins or so (so not too bad there) before being seen... shant go into the grim details, except to say tha i had a mini colonoscopy and theyve referred me for a full one as they didnt find anythign yesterday. ive also got to have bloodtests for loads of things and give various other samples....such is the joys of life i guess, so now i have to call into the hallamshire to sort that, and wait for a date.
Thursday, May 8
well, occasionally there are nice surprises;. i think mum rang him and told him not to be too harsh on me, i got told off and laughed at.... i can live with that i guess, and ill be extra nice for a while and it might be okay..... but boy do i need to move out!
am about to set off to the hospital. erk!
okay im in trouble, he's on his way home.
this is not a good sign.
im half tempted to get out of here while i still can and half tempted to stay and plead my case.
today of all days.
i am so not happy. looks like im going to be staying elsewhere tonight at least. im not getting into an argument.
i refuse to. still in a way i brought it on myself.
oh screw it!!
water water everywhere!
i left a tap running for the bath, only slowly, but then got distracted and my mum found that the bath had overflowed.
not only that,
but theres water coming through the external wall, the front door, the meter cupboard the downstairs toliet wall and light fitting and into the hall. well there isnt anymore, but thats where it appeared, meaning its gone under the bath and soaked the floorboards....
mum is okayish about it. dad i think will kill me...... actually he wouldnt he'd tie me up and flog me before killing me
so this may be the last post i ever make...... okay possible slight overreaction, it /was/ an accident but then again.... hmmmm.
grrrrrrr bloody typical day to happen as well.
i suppose i ought to ring hiim and tell him..... keep posted for the reaction...
crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap
well, todays the day, and in a little while im off to do the prep for it. and then later im off to find thornbury hospital- i know where the entrance is but i have no idea how long the drive or anything is....i wont deny the fact that im more than slightly apprehensive...
im trying to be 'normal'- theres noone in the house at the moment, so ive made myself a new playlist and that will be the staple diet of the day.... im thinking about getting/possibly making (not that i have the tools to do it!) a new template for the blog- what do people think?
k... well here goes.... may be back later
Wednesday, May 7
okay, im just about to go and watch the xfiles meets millenium followed by bridget jones' diary.
yes it means im up till around 1am but i wont sleep tonight anyhow.... i know this. i get like it everytime i have to go somewhere medical.
still, at least the pizza was very nice to say it wqas frozen effort...
still wish we had ice cream tho :)
lol... never mind...
man... was just about to go and tim came on!!! not spoken to him for ages!
oh well ill talk to him for a lil while....
does anyone remember o-town???
i think they only had one song- all or nothing it was called and its a great song- had it in my head today
wow.... and i thought i was being nice.
i sent an encouraging mail to a friend of mine with the jist of you wanna do something soon? and it gets completely thrown back in my face and i get a huge lecture about the logistics of copin with life with M.E which was actually very unfair.
not feeling amazingly well today so am kicking back with a pizza and garlic bread and some wine and watching bridget jones diary which i hired from the library, seeing as it could be a while before i can eat things like pizza and garlic bread. the work side of things is looking more encouraging however and the module thingy meeting earlier was okay which was followed by my dad ringing and asking me out for coffee! he's currently doing a course thingy and they went bowling this afternoon, i tagged on and grabbed myself a teddy bear from the grabbers and had a game of bowling myself and got a 128 which i was pleased with....k. am gonna go do this thing.... just need ice cream now.... shame we havent got any... :(
buses are out of the question today so small group is out... theyre eating pizza and discussing new small groups to not a huge thing.... im not looking forwards to tomorrow.
anyone around please pray that they work out whats wrong.
my appointment is 5.30 pm... at thornbury. ive heard bad things about that place too..
im frustrated.
i could have a big rant about it....
but what good would that do. all it would mean would be that id be ranting yet again, there wouldnt be any thing that i or anyone else can do therefore it would be pointless. and there you get back to the cause of my frustrations. certain things seem pointless, even though you desperately want to believe the opposite.
it was a good 2 hour call to abbie last night, we thrashed out an essay she has to do which answers 2 questions: "why does God allow suffering?" and "does science disprove christianity?" the second one i was able to come up with a little more info for her cause we discussed it last semester, but it did get me thinking about where i stand on the first question....she also has to do a presentation on the nature of God next monday at battersea and that i /can/ giver her a hand with- i had to do an essay on it, so im gonna send her all my research :) at least i felt like i was being useful.... we also discussed possible visits and it looks like i might get a 10 day holiday in june! from the 13th to the 23rd.. need to check exam timetable.. bbias...6th 9th 11th and 12th june, so that works....
so yeah the plan at the mo is to take off on the 13th and go to see rich for a while and then the following friday spend the weekend at abbies, it wuld be longer but she still has to do her course while im there, and saturday is her day off so that works well, meaning i return the monday after... or alternatively do the monday to the friday at rich and then fri-monday at abbies... its not sorted yet.... dates need to be checked etc, but its looking a bit more solid than previously....
greek is my last exam so i have approximately a month to learn it.... and im serious- i need help!!!
today i do my greek assignments and tomorrow, finish the greek assignments and do my draft self appraisial, and then the weekend is made of doig the seal essay and the roman world portfolio.
the jesus man and myth portfolio is latter priority. still next year im not doing any languages. its not that i cant do it, but the pace is too fast- i like to have had a chance to learn one bit before we do a new one. i have the books so ill probably do it as a hobby from then.... anyhow, i spose id better go to this meeting, and then think about what ill do if i fail the year... do i quit? do i repeat the year? do i change course? change uni? change country? they are all possibilities.
well, im about to head off to a random meeting about next year, and then its back here to do work...
yup, im actually gonna do the greek. and whats more im not going back to uni till ive done it.
got the hospital tomorrow anyhow, so i wont be in uni for that reason, which means that i go back on friday hopefully.
by the way,
anyone that reads this and knows greek well enough to give me a crash course in it so i might be able to pass my exams then please speak up!!!!... ill PAY you or something!!!
Tuesday, May 6
im just getting fed up now.
have no concentration. need to do my greek tomorrow. and get the seal essay on its way. thursday i plan to write my self appraisial (well draft it) as well as go to the hospital. am in lots of pain.
i guess i just need to keep going, and think of the good things, like my student loan arriving today, things like people downloading me things on their nice fast adsl connection and putting them on cd for me :) x-men and spiderman comics, and the places that sell them, acrylic paint, bootleg jeans, looking like a 'skater girl' today, new city stomp which is gonna be amazing, and im getting well excited about, friends, potential new friends in my new cluster/small group (whatever it turns out to be), matrix, cinema trailers, taxis (got one home earlier) abbie, who im about to ring and talk to.... and the nice day today...
things are crap but god is bigger.
Monday, May 5
i just got well confused!
i have worked it out tho...
this may or may not be a good thing.
grrrrr uni tomorrow. i just dont think im cut out for it.
still we'll find out wheni get the results for the year....
k, off to safeways now.
Sunday, May 4
hmmm. bizarre afternoon/evening. am not in a good place today. one or two amusing moments to the day tho.
number one. nearly being flattened by john virgo whilst waiting for a bus.
number two. wakling down the road from meadowhead and saw a fox carrying a spar bag which looked like it had shopping in.
what wasnt good tho is that im scared. had to get my dad to walk up and meet me cause of the gang at the phone box.
i feel trapped.
Saturday, May 3
what is wrong with me?
i have no energy. im sleeping waaaaaaay too much and everything hurts.
like this morning, i woke up at a respectable time and managed to hobble downstairs and collapse on the settee and didnt move again for 3 hours. the more annoying things is that i have no concentration. if i did id go back to bed, but do some work, but its just not happning, and i have 2 greek assignments an essay and a self appraisial to do for this week. the self appraisial and essay are down for monday, but i need to do the greek today and tomorrow..... eugh....i guess all that i can do is pray. might waste 2 hours and have a bath, and just try to chill. stomop/dynamites is finally sorted tho which is nice...
im just aware that this is a stupid time for this to be happening....i go back to uni on tuesday, and i need to be at the hospital on thursday too.... i spose i should get some dinner too... but the cupboard is bare alas.... lol... actually, im gonna play an hour of theme hospitakl, ahve a bath and read dsome more on my book, and then sit and do some greek.
thats aplan.
Friday, May 2
hmmmmmm. how comes when you have no credit, and no free texts, the world and his dog decide to ring you, leave voicemails and urgent texts?
checked my fone to find 7 missed calls, 2 messages and 4 voicemails........
am gonna become a recluse me feels.......
okay, well i got up way too late today. the film was good. quite plotty, but good....
back is really really bad. owieowieow.
not happy.
essay research ont he agenda for tonight, and tea is tomato soup.
oh. hospital apoointment has already been changed and put back. now i have to go to thornbury hospital next thursday. dont trust private hospitals...... dont trust hospitals.
Thursday, May 1
grrrrrr. im guesing bullfrog have been over taken by ea.... their site redirects to ea's.
dammit..... ok, im going to play themehospital
hehe. well that was fruitful, muyself ed and chris are gonna prebook to see matrix reloaded, and ed and i are getting the 11am showing of x-men 2 tomorrow, and doing lunch.... could be fun :)
also of course ids the obligatory 201 ride back to sheffield.... :)
could be fun,
and i haev to say,
SCREW WORK! its stressing me out at the moment, and ill do it when i gert in tomorrow evening, greek to be done. and then saturday im gonna do the self appraisial stuff and draft of the seal essay and then sunday will write up the seal essay, and next week then leaves me with the portfolios. which is okay.
chris is amusing......
and now dan has returned to the fold.... woohoo!!!!!!!!
this month im going to see whitesnake at the arena, and gary moore....
the line up is AMAZING.......
next month..... BON JOVI!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its gonna come high on the top 10 most amazing things ive ever seen.....
hmmmmmm. this is WELL bizzare.... im sat in the usual haunt on IRC (#tapton if you're ever on undernet...) with ed an chris, casually sipping on mocha.... lol... and we were reminiscing about games consols, and lost wonders such as the n64, and i got back as far as C64 and atari 400 etc,
and how when i was 8 id programmed a whole game in basic,
which turns out to be more than ed has ever done- the first pc's he used was a 386....
posted uop are extracts of the convo.......
i just find it amusing
k, im me, chris is metanoia and ed is Puppetz`
"[21:11] sara_lou> ps1 games are cheaper online
[21:11] sara_lou> for new ones anyhow
[21:11] sara_lou> and i wouldnt buy 2nd hand
[21:11] Puppetz`> they still making stuff?
[21:11] sara_lou> yup
[21:11] sara_lou> its still popular cause a lot of ppl havent upgraded to ps2
[21:11] Puppetz`> shame N64 died as a platform
[21:11] sara_lou> they dont hae much choice really...
[21:12] sara_lou> and seeing as i oinly own 3 games....
[21:12] sara_lou> lol
[21:12] Puppetz`> i think it was the most underrated console since.... the snes :)
[21:12] sara_lou> mmm. i think gamecube is abot to go the same way tho
[21:12] sara_lou> but this site sells loads of games new
[21:12] sara_lou> have a look if you want...
[21:12] sara_lou> you might find something
[21:12] Puppetz`> i only want 1 game
[21:12] Puppetz`> it's not out yet :)
[21:13] Puppetz`> Deus Ex 2 - Invisible War
[21:13] metanoia> is ps2 backwards compatible with ps1?
[21:13] sara_lou> yeah
[21:13]sara_lou> but you cant use memory cards the other way
[21:14] Puppetz`> if i wanted that sort of compat problem, i'd go buy a zip750 :P
[21:14] sara_lou> lol....
[21:14] sara_lou> thought you wanted zelda?
[21:15] Puppetz`> well... i take it there's another one
[21:15] Puppetz`> cos dan's been talking about having it
[21:15] sara_lou> ??
[21:15] Puppetz`> zelda game...
[21:16] Puppetz`> but if it means buying anything new, i'm not in the market for it
[21:16]sara_lou> well id imagine there are many copies
[21:16]Puppetz`> i'll wait a few years and get an emulator before i buy another damn console
[21:17] sara_lou> lol.... the latest new n64 games to be out are the powerpuff girls :S
[21:17] Puppetz`> well.. unless it's on PC, it doesn't happen any more cos i'm pissed off with shelling out for consoles
[21:17] Puppetz`> sounds about right :)
[21:17] sara_lou> lol
[21:17] sara_lou> well thats why i went with ps1
[21:18] sara_lou> only thing i mgiht buy if i get tons of money soon, is an x box,
[21:18] sara_lou> purely cos theyve come down,
[21:18] Puppetz`> i would have done, but for the fact i wanted goldeneye and perfect dark
[21:18] Puppetz`> and you've /seen/ how i kick ass at those games :)
[21:18] Puppetz`> but i can't stand PS1 pads
[21:19] sara_lou> you can get other pads,
[21:19] sara_lou> in fact i think theres a weird ps1 compatible pad which is the same shape as an n64pad, with the joystick
[21:19] Puppetz`> N64 had the best pad by far
[21:19] Puppetz`> tho i know i'm in a minority with that assertion :)
[21:19] Puppetz`> :S
[21:20] * metanoia likes arrow keys
[21:20] metanoia> and mice
[21:20] Puppetz`> well, they're about 40 quid now at makro with a few hundred games, so if i ever feel the need :)
[21:20] Puppetz`> yeah, i have to say i like that too
[21:22] Puppetz`> ...the big old black and red joysticks had a certain something tho
[21:22]Puppetz`> :P
[21:22] Puppetz`> namely 2 buttons that did the same thing
[21:22] Puppetz`> sort of like a broken mac mouse
[21:24] sara_lou> for that kind of game you cant beat the atari 7800
[21:24] sara_lou> or even better the C64...... i have both :):)
[21:25] Puppetz`> i had C64
[21:25] Puppetz`> fortunately i sold it
[21:25] sara_lou> well i regret to say i dont have my atari 400 anymore....
[21:26]sara_lou> that wa the first thing i ever did that was remotely geeky.... i made my own game
[21:26]sara_lou> it took me 11 hours to put in all the commands
[21:26] Puppetz`> i mean, it was good for its time, but the games for BBC B were much better
[21:26] Puppetz`> was that the one you couldn't save...?
[21:27] sara_lou> yup
[21:27] sara_lou> all 1600 lines of it
[21:27] sara_lou> well, you could but th cartridges to save it too were around 20 quid a go
[21:27]Puppetz`> ouch!
[21:27]sara_lou> the game were about 3 £
[21:27]Puppetz`> aaah
[21:27]sara_lou> lol.. hte ORIGINAL pitfall....
[21:28] Puppetz`> i don't think i've ever coded anything that long actually
[21:28] sara_lou> admittedly i was just following the instructions,
[21:28] Puppetz`> after about 500 lines of code i get pissed off and go home
[21:28] sara_lou> but i did change some of the stuff round
[21:29] Puppetz`> mmm... half the time so am i :P
[21:29] metanoia> was it one of those adventure games?
[21:29] metanoia> You are in a room
[21:29] sara_lou> nope....
[21:29] metanoia> west of you is a tower
[21:29] sara_lou> thats granny's garden
[21:29] metanoia> please wait.... drawing tower (2 colors)
[21:29]metanoia> oh yeah
[21:29] sara_lou> atari 400 was much more advanced
[21:29] sara_lou> lol ;P
[21:29] metanoia> that's what it was called
[21:29] metanoia> my sister ported that to PC...
[21:29] sara_lou> wow!!!!
[21:30] sara_lou> i used to waste sooooooooo much time playing that in y4
[21:30] metanoia> atari 400
[21:30] metanoia> was that the one with the builtin midi ports?
[21:30] sara_lou> no that was a bbc computer game
[21:30] sara_lou> and offhand i dont know. i knew nothing about computers at tht point#
[21:30] metanoia> atari 400 was a bbc computer game?
[21:30] sara_lou> except 10 PRINT "hello"
[21:31] sara_lou> 20 REPEAT 'PRINT'
[21:31] sara_lou> 30 run
[21:31] sara_lou> worked on both atari 400 and C64
[21:31] metanoia> wow. Was that atari basic?
[21:31] sara_lou> (or whatever the proper commands were)
[21:31] metanoia> in bbc it's 10 PRINT "HELLO"
[21:31] metanoia> 20 GOTO 10
[21:31] sara_lou> yeah
[21:31] sara_lou> that was it
[21:31] metanoia> run
[21:32] sara_lou> and you get...
[21:32] metanoia> but all the fun of the bbc was in it's soundcard
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> HELLO
[21:32] sara_lou> etc
[21:32] metanoia> 4 channels
[21:32] metanoia> fully featured fm synth
[21:32] metanoia> tha't s right
[21:32] sara_lou> yeah... thats what i made my game in..... it was kinda like 3d space invaders but played in a virtual world
[21:32] sara_lou> as opposed to space
[21:33] sara_lou> yeah thats it....
[21:33] sara_lou> for atari it was 10 PRINT " my name is sara "
[21:33] sara_lou> 20 GOTO 10
[21:33] sara_lou> ooops
[21:33] sara_lou> hang on
[21:33] sara_lou> 10 PRINT " my name is sara "
[21:34] sara_lou> 20 COLOR=CYAN
[21:34] sara_lou> 30 GOTO 10
[21:34] sara_lou> 40 RUN
[21:34] Puppetz`> this is so good! you have more early experience of computers than i do!
[21:35] sara_lou> who?
[21:35] Puppetz`> you!
[21:35] sara_lou> lol.... hence i figure i could probably learn programming at some point if i wanted to
[21:35] sara_lou> i know its more complex than that....
[21:35] sara_lou> but i was pretty dumb at aged 8 to be honest
[21:35] Puppetz`> that aint what you said to me when i offered to teach you!
[21:36] Puppetz`> :)
[21:36] sara_lou> im not that interested in it tho
[21:36] sara_lou> at least ont at the moment
[21:36] Puppetz`> i only started at 386s
[21:36] sara_lou> im happy with learnign HTML for now
[21:36] Puppetz`> used BBCs, but never coded basic
[21:36] sara_lou> that and learnign how to spell
[21:36] Puppetz`> :P
[21:37] sara_lou> anyhow, you learn something new every day...
[21:37] sara_lou> like i was a secret comuter geek.... :P
[21:37] Puppetz`> mmm... today for me, it was "homebase shuts at 8.00"
[21:37] sara_lou> hehe
[21:37] Puppetz`> i don;t find that too hard to see in you to be honest
[21:38] sara_lou> THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! :X
[21:38] Puppetz`> erm... that was actually meant in terms of you being able to sit there and work stuff out :)
[21:38] sara_lou> hehe
[21:39] sara_lou> does anyone have the 97 version of renegade master?"...........................
there you go!!!!!!
im well amazed by it!
mmmm. just settled down to my tea- something ive not had for aaaaaaages. heinz oxtail soup, and really soft bread..... mmmm
well i got my bath and i got someway into the book on faith, which was good, but i havent watched miss congeniality yet... abbie rang me so i spent a wonderful 2 hours on the telephone to her, cause she's having a bit of a crap time at the moment.... my thoughts on it are that the leadership of her course need to sort themselves out, cause their approach isnt biblical to whats gone off..... may i ask what happened to grace?? grrrrr anyhow... sorry.... if it causes unnecessary stress for her, i get mad...
mmm now im on my lemon cheesecake yoghurt.. mmmm
well, im proud to anounce that i have abstained from voting today. why? well none of the candidates can be bothered to let my household know what they are standing for..... im not going to vote without knowledge...also, how come i dont get to e-vote????
im not really fussed anyhow....
okay, so ive thought of some songs i want to get hold of..... oooooh speakign of songs... anyone heard the Q-mixes? some of them are actually really clever!!!!
well, i have no free txts left.... so communication silence may well be the order until monday as i only have 4 p on my phone, and it seems noone wishes to put some money on for me. my parents are going raaaaaaaah "we spent 35 quid on the mobile last weekend..." well, they were the ones that insisted on ringing at least four times a day!!!!! its very rare that i use all my free texts (300) in a month but it was a helpful way of communicating in various things this month....
if anyone wants me then i guess you'll just have to ring me.... if im at home tho, i will ring you back. im going to watch miss congeniality in a while, but first im going to have a nice long bath and see if i can actually start reading the book on faith that ive got and dont seem to be able to read....
this evening, im going to do some greek.
last night saw the close of an era of my small group. its a natural close but it does mean that i need to find a new one, and i think that a new cluster is also in order, as expression really isnt right for me.
im not sure where im going to go or anything, but its going to be an interesting quandry. we're basically now all going off to find new places and meeting once a fortnight to support each other in the search with the hope that were all settled somewhere before the summer. i guess that means i need to go and try a few small groups..... which is a hugely scary prospect so if anyone would actually like to invite me somewhere it could make it a bit easier for me to actually start the process and be proactive about it!
i dont know where i want to be at the moment, but i thiki need to just start lookingh cause the worst scenario from that will be that i then know where i dont want to be....
hmmmmm. okay gonna go find me book and start reading....
okay i just sent a ranty email to virgin trains re: my journey....
im also going to send them a letter which is presented a little better.
if you want to read it then its here....:
The train i was due to catch left at 7.21 am from sheffield station, and arrived in cardiff at 10.27. I purposely caught this train as there were no changes involved (even though this got me to my destination 5 1/2 hours earlier than i needed to be there, but with the intent of looking around cardiff for a while) however upon reaching birmingham new street, i was informed that the train was being cancelled to to a freight train failing on the line between birmingham and cheltenham, and customers travelling on to newport, cardiff and swansea should make their way out of the station out into birmingham to get to a coach which would be waiting for us, and which would take us further down the line where the journey can be resumed. The directions were not clear, and left many of us completely lost outside the station. upon eventually getting to the designated area, were told that "actually people wishing to travel on to cardiff and swansea should make their way to platform 11b of the station to catch the 9.12 virgin train which would stop at bristol temple meads at which point we can get a connecting train to our destination". Upon arrival at the platform, and seing no train in sight at 9.07, we then heard over the tannoy that this train was actually located at platform 1, which meant that several completely disorientated travellers had three minutes to rush through the station to get to the other end to find this train. Having finally got this train and got on it, it set off, and five minutes into the journey it was announced that because of the problem with the line the train would be diverted via oxford, and a delay of an hour and a half was the realistic estimation of when we would arrive in. The train staff were not very helpful at all, and none of the standards set out on your website regarding delays and hospitality were met. We were again told that "passengers boarding this train from the cancelled york-swansea train who were bound for newport cardiff and swansea would need to leave the train at bristol temple meads and seek further advice there". We arrived at Bristol parkway station 2 hours and 12 minutes late and after the train had stopped, were informed that "passengers to newport cardiff and swansea will actually be able to get more connecting trains here and we advise you to depart at bristol parkway" at this point, a huge rush ensues, and i am jostled off the train without my hold all which was residing in the luggage rack according to the rules, however, my intent of runnign back on to get it/ get back on and get off at bristol temple meads instead was thwarted by the closing of the doors and the train pulling off. Immeadiately i went to the station masters office and explaing the problem, and the man there was very helpful in trying to help me retrieve my bag but to no avail. several trains to cardiff were cancelled, so several of us were stuck at this staion for over an hour and because of efforts to recoup my bag, i was there for 2 and a half, as the train was due to pass through the station again and should have had my bag on it assuming it hadnt been stolen. i eventually arrived in cardiff at 4.55pm, 6hours and 28minutes after my original time of arrival, which as i am sure you will agree is disgusting, seeing as that means i was travelling for a total of 9hours and 34 minutes as opposed to 3 hours and 6 minutes, and in the process lost everythign i needed for the weekend, which i then had to replace. My bag was actually found at bristol temple meads station, however, i was not informed of this until i was on my way home (by car) and am unable to retrieve it as being a student i dont really have any money to get to bristol to get it, or to pay a courier to bring it to sheffield. as i am sure you can see i am very unhappy with my journey, and whilst i appreciate that things do happen which cause delay, the treatment which i recieved was way below the standard one would expect from a large train company, and the inconvienience i was caused was inexcusable. unfortunately i was unable to fill out a claim form on the day, but now i am wondering what i am supposed to do about my holdall, which if you were better organised, would have stayed under my feet for the whole journey.
im going to send a more formal version of the same thing by post i think cause i dont know that anyone actually reads what you fill out on a web form.....
im growing to loathe sheffield buses..... grrrrr theyve put the 75's on the most ridiculous timetable ever,and put it as a 75/76 thing, like the 47/48 thing, which actually makes sense cause they do the same route, but go round the circle at either end in opposite directions. the 75 and 76 go different routes!!!!!