been and soreted my library fine at uni out.....
the invoice was for 70 quid.....
it was actually 21 quid. still terrible, btu it wa a short loan book and 15 quid of it was an admin charge.
this was the book that called all the friction as i was tryign to avoid the 15 quid charge.
today isnt much better. got a whole load of spiel off both parents this mornign again, for asking if theyd seen something (my lifeskills folder this time)
the thoguht that crosses my mind is that it might actually be better if they just kicked me out and disowned me, itd be easier to honour them that way.
i dont know what to do- everything seems to be falling apart but at the same time im not.
lenny kravitz comes to mind.... hadnt heard the song in ages till last thursday at bon jovi, which seems months ago now.
Monday, June 30
this afternoon im taking lord of the rings over to eds as he hasnt seen it yet, and before that, ie now, im getting the stuffi need for inspire ready.
people seem to really like my song 'exposed' on the internet... have the lyrics posted up and the mp3 has gone out to several peopel whove asked and its all been positive responses so far.... :)
btw, if anyone wants to hear it i can send over yahoo or IRC (msn seems not to work atm) id send on email but its 5meg and i cant attach files that size!
Sunday, June 29
did stomp, wandered went to philly... sat and stared at the ceiling or the screen...
got a lift home with rich and anna robinson, and am sending my song to a fellow jovitalker at the moment before going to bed. tomorrow im not sure what im doing in the day other than being out of the house.
not to ignore everythign- its more that there isnt anythign else that i can do about it... i didnt lose my temper on friday, and i wasnt really rah... i said yesterdeay that i didnt appreciate that kind of thing happening when i got back and got shoued at for not having got my fone, (that of course was my fault too..... :S) but no admission of anything wrong so i cant reeally do anyhting about it.
the gospel thingy went quite well, much better than i expected, and chris said that it was good, so im not too worried.
i wasnt in the best state to do it as another row from my dad and the parting phrase of "get out of the house, and go and die you stupid....." (shut the door at that point) meant that spent the next few hours pretty phased by that and stuff, and asa result /didnt/ get my late book back to thelibrary, so now owe them lots of money, and didnt go home, i stayed at chris's and we watched hercules.
this evening, ed chris and myself went beertasting, nd i finally tried bitter....
we then went to see identity, which is lame in some aspects (i worked the basic story out afteraroudn 15 minutes) but had some good twists, and got off to a very slow start, but ended well...
tomorrow is stomp and stuff.....
bed now. night
Friday, June 27
dont really like the new version of blogger....
but hey, these thigns happen.... reason i havent posted, much as i would have liked is that bloggerhas been down while theyve moved it....
well, i went to bon jovi. have sore ankles now and a sore throat, which is a little alarming as i have to teach gospel tonight... the gig was good, id go again, would have been nice to hear some different songs to what were played, which was the same through the restof the uk shows other than 'lola'. but for a first time, i really enjoyed it. i think the other people i know who were there (mongoose (dan r) , dan b, and darren (plus each with one other person) did as well, even though they were seated... got some pictures too... :)
not much else to say there yet...
been quite down the last couple of days. not really sure why, but life goes on. :)
check out the new links as well, specially dry county
Wednesday, June 25
just realised that dan has got me linked now too :)- thanks mate
dan is cool, go check his site out, it's growing, i wonder if the post office found found his stuff that theyd lost?? dan, let me know! i wanna see the whitesnake pics!!!!
also got a couple more links to add to my places to visit.....
but yeah, go check it out!!!!
okay, another late night post from the world of sara...
not to worry tho i guess...
hmmmmm. i get the picture that this may be one of my more contemplative posts... could go on for a while, might not...
i think sometimes i read too much into things, but i really get the feeling that everythignis going to come crashing down around me. its not a nice feeling... and i cont pinpoint any reasons or specific areas either. Part of it is that i know that things are going to change over the summer and stuff and part of it is cause i think that external circumstances are changing a bit, and im already deciding how that is probably going to happen and i dont really want some of it to cause i dont think i can cope with it....
before anyone asks, i cant go into the details of it, cause its dependant on external factors and unitl my projections are confirmed or denied i am unable to comment any further.
today has been a bit of a weirdy day, good, but a little weirdy.
another thing that is slightly dubious is my (perceived) reinvention of my self into my 'skater' look.... and its not me hiding something its just me experimenting a bit to see if i like it any better.... sometimes people read too much into the material things of my life...
not gonna say too much more, am gonna go to bed and lay there, whatever, whether i sleep or not....
i think ive either broken or really really hurt my big toe as well... i cant put any weight on it, and its the wrong shape and hurts.
so i think a good rest of it is in order... thing is i dont know what i could have possibly done to do it! it just really started hurting this morning.... grrrrrr it had better not disrupt bon jovi. thingis now, im not really looking forwards to it...i know that once i get there etc itll be okay and stuff but im really not fussed any more... dont wanna say much more about that now.. but i think there is a reason, and i just hope it isnt true, cause last time it was not good.
im actually too tired to function correctly at the moment. almost fell asleep at the dinner tabel at chris' tonight... i seem to be doing that.... i can go for a while, it a really tired patch and doze for 20 mins or so and then im wide awake for the next 7 or 8 hours... set sleeping time isnt working... anyhow, someone seems to be moving around upstairs so with that im gonna go to bed i think and try and sleep....... hmmmmmmmmm
ps, you bet is on the telly, and theres a woman identifying cheeses with sight smell and touch only..... all right so far... worrying!
she got the last one wrong which was a shame.....
Tuesday, June 24
my sleeping pattern is totally screwed at the moment.... im knackered but cant sleep. times like thesei just have to get up again till im tired....
gonna make a cup of hot chocolate i think andcarry on listenign to songs (whichis only reason pc is on) and head back to bed in half an hour or so..... need to leave the house at 8am as well......
got in this evening and made macaroni cheese from scratch which im quite impressed by.
tomorrow is an interesting busy type of day....
Monday, June 23
well, im back from hertford.
brief rundown of what happened.....
friday: left sheffield on the 13:27 midland mainline high speedsevice to london st pancras calling at : chesterfiddled, derby, leicester, luton and london st pancras arrived in london at 15.43, jumped on a tube to moor gate, and just missed the train i wanted so sat in the blistering heat around 50 m below ground and got the 16.40 moorgate to hertford north service, calling at lots of random places on the way.
arrived at hertford north at 17.30 on the dot, where i was pounced on by abigail.
a 30 minute walk to the house followed, where i had time to dump my things, get my ruksak ready and change my top, and we went to an indian resteraunt calld the hot house, which came highly recommended by several people from abbies church, including joel-y.neither of us had ever been out for an indian before so didnt really know what to do, but it was really really nice, the curry was nice, the atmosphere was nice and it was a nice evening. we then met joel and explored the pubs of hertford. we went to an old mans pub first, and both had lemonade and then joel arrived and we went off to the woolpack, where i had a pint of fosters (which ois much nicer up north!) and from there we went to the old barge, and i had a pint of carlsberg, after this had taken place we walked back home again, calling for burger and chips for joel. then we went to bed.
got up quite late for me... 10 am, and got ready as abbie was wanting to go into london. have to say that i was /not/ thrilled at the prospect of this at all by any means. why?
1) it was absolutely scorching
2) longest day of year
3) it was a saturday
4) i dont like shopping
5) abbies purpose in going was tro meet her swiss friend dave, along with biene (who had gone earlier in the day) and i didnt know him
7) did i mention it was HOT?
but yeah, so we ended up goign into london, in the scorching heat, into all the crowds etc to meet dave and biene at... oxford street.
i wasnt happy. last thing i wanted was shops..... my plans for a quiet weekend had been scuppered...
we had said meet outside H&M.... there are 2 H&M's on oxford street, and we were both at different ones..... an hour later..... we worked this out and eventually found the swiss contingent of our party.
having done this, we went for a drink, and dave said that we were going to hemel hempstead.... an d he was really excited by this.... now this wasnt an exciting prospect for me... the only thing i know about hemel hempstead is that its 2 stations before watford junction and the signal is always breaking....abbie was askign me if we should go, and i desperate to get out of london said "well it cant get any weirder....." so we said we would go and meet vince, daves friend, so we set off down the backstreets to go find a red bus, and on the way encountered a homeless guy called paul who was sat next to the cash machine i was at to get some money, and abbie, biene and i spoke to him for around 10-15 minutes while dave was sorting out meeting vince. abbie had seent hat he had a copy off the message with him so we got into a conversation about it and church and he'd been going to a church for around 4 months and seemed a really sound chap, after which we got a number 73 bus to trafalgar square, the designated meeting point.
we got to the roundabout and dave spied vince who had been driving arounfd the roundabout for around 20 minutes, so we bundlede into the car and set off, after a brief introduction to each other while the lights were red it was soon established that we were in fact /not/ going to hemel hempstead, but to hampstead heath...... this made slightly more sense.... so we got there and satin the park and walked around and it was nice, vince took many photos on his digital camera and biene is going to forward them to me, so as soon as i learn how to put a picture up ill post them, as they are the only pictures from the weekend as stoopid me forgot her camera..... so yeah, it turned into a better afternoon, and i picked up a new zealand accent very quickly as vince is a kiwi, and was gettign really worried that if i said much id offend him cause it mightve siunded like i was taking the mick but i wasnt i just pick accents up terribly easily.... dave biene and vince were then goign back to daves house for a barbeque, and as abbie and i didnt want to be in london at 10pm we were dropped at swiss cottage tube station and made our way back to kings cross to getthe trsain back to hertford. now hta it had cooled down and not busy, the tube was quite bearable and i wanted to make use of my super expensive travelcard and go all the way to brixton (the other end of the tube line) and then to kings cross, but abbie was tired, so we headed back to hertfordm where we went and got tea at pizza express, and i had the most delicious pudding ive ever had in my life!
it wa an italian summer fruits pudding, and i optedto have it with marscepone, and be all continental ;-), but yeahj it was really really really really really really really nice.
we then walked back to the house, and watched oceans 11. joel had waited for us to get back before starting it, which was really nice. i hadnt seen it before. it was quite a good film, and one id watch again when i wasnt so tired!
an early night (around 11.30) saw us to bed.
well got up at 8am packed, and was taken to abbies church by joel who was playing keyboards that morning.
abbie arrived soon after and they set up.
it was very different and i found it quite hard mainly cause i felt quite intimidated byt he fact that because the church was so small compared to st t's they all knew each other really well, and cuse i was a stranger in their midst people kept watching me and i really didnt like that. also cause of some of the stuff thats gogn on with me at the moment i was finding it quite a struggle to go with it anyhow, but it was okay.
after the service we were whisked home, and made a quick meal, and i was able to meet rob and sue (the peopel abbie is living wiht this year) properly, and we ate together, and that was really nice, i felt really welcomed, and was then taken to the train station for the 14.13 hertford north - kings cross wagn train.
walked round to st pancras and boreded the 15.30 turbo start service to sheffield calling at luton airport parkway, wellingborough, kettering, market harborough, leicester, loughborough, long eaton, derby, chesterfiddled and sheffield.
went through a large thunderstorm on the way back, and fell asleep for around 40 mins altogether.
arrived back in sheffield 11 minutes late, at 18.29, so not too bad..... no reason for the delay though....
jumoped in a taxi and went to the teaching service, which was really really good. found it quite amusing that me and abbies mum ahd been having aconversation about very similar things to that which alex was talking about last week on the bus on the way to the octagon. after that i came home, watched half of face/off, and came on to check my mail, and sorted ab few posts for the jovi talk website (links to follow later) and began writing this post which im sure is one of the longest ive written.....
and now im going to go to bedm and sleep in till around 10.30 get ready go to lunch, have practice and then prayers and lifeskills,
tomorrow,tuesday engagements entail philadelphia in the morning having lunch with lyndsey walsh, and then couple of hours free, and then going to chris' with ed for a social occasion (and to finalise friday evenign with chris).
as of that other than friday evenign i have no plans. wil prolly go and hand in my job application to hollywood bowl one day this week, and pray they goive me a job, or if anyone knows any lexitime jobs that are going let me know..... my cash situation is very bad at the mo.)
signing off for now.
Friday, June 20
my bon jovi ticket arrived this morning, im gong to hertford this afternoon, in 1st class, and going for indian tonight.
have a good weekend guys..! dunno if ill get to post, i get to check email tho so feel free to send me one!
see those of ya at the teaching service who'll be there on sunday :)
Wednesday, June 18
not much to say....
mentoring and chris' house tomorrow. am just gonna do the stomp plans for tomorrow and then i can give em to rich while im at philadelphia.
lol... ive got it into my head now that actually im /not gong to end up at old trafford next week ivew arranged to do other things....
am currently listenign to crossroads lots
enjoying it.
well having only gotten up at 12.20 i still feel knackered. i didbnt sleep, i did the whole thing whereyou're awake all the time, but in orderto feel like you're at all rested you had to stay there for a while... whichi did for all 11 hours. i feel like id had 3 hours sleep.... just mae soem iced biscuits... since we made them at kids cells yesterday, and i left mine for joel for taking over the last few mins while i dashed home.
there was also an AT LENGTH discussion on biscuits as the welcome of cluster last night... which was quite amusing.
my answer was that i was an oreo girl, or rich tea...... actually im a whatever batch of cookies i made the day before person....
but id not even contemplated the whole home made side of biscuiting......
im gonna get on with stuff in a couple of minutes.... seeing as i have lots to do and id like to go to prayers this evening, as i havent been this week yet..and its the only day i will get to go.
so yeah,.. today i get to keep out of peoples way. much needed me feels.
i htink i may have found a new cluster, which is nice...
i felt really settled, and the idea of community that exists is very close to mine, and thats cool....
am definately gonna give it a bit longer to see.
tomorrow hold the joys of washing and ironing and looking through my pile of prophecy cards from inspire and sorting out the kids worship stuff...
and listening to bon jovi lots.
im beginning to doubt the possibilities of going now.... the guy im getting the ticket from has gone silent.
i will be gutted if i dont get to go after looking forwards to it since november....
and the fact that ive paid!
oh well....if it happens it happens and if it doesnt then no-one mention it for a long time.
in case people havent noticed im not sleeping again.
that would be why there are lots of posts happening at random hours in the morning...
dammit the internet is being stupid.... good job im writing in notepad, cause im a sensible little girly....
another thing iv noticed is that if im not saying anythign which isnt completely task orientated that is when i either get shot down or flamed....
maybe the answer is to be completely task orientated....
the exception to that was this evening....
eugh... i dont know what to make of it all....
i do know however that im going to go and pay on the dance mats now and do some much missed out on excercise (not counting my walk through the park to get there this evening)
until then.... lyrics in my head...... an update
I used to be the kind of guy
Who'd never let you look inside
I'd smile when I was crying
I had nothing but a life to loose
Thought I had a lot to proof
In my life, there's no denying
Goodbye to all my yesterdays
Goodbye, so long, I'm on my way
I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
I'm gonna live my life everyday
Change, everybody's feeling strange
Never gonna be the same
Makes you wonder how the world keeps turning
Life, learning how to live my life
Learning how to pick my fights
Take my shots while I'm still burning
Goodbye to all those rainy nights
Goodbye, so long, I'm moving on
I've had enough of cryin'
Bleedin', sweatin', dyin'
Hear me when I say
Gonna live my life everyday
I'm gonna touch the sky
And I spread these wings and fly
I ain't here to play
I'm gonna live my life everyday
There ain't nothing gonna get in my way
I saw you coming from a mile away
Trying to hide behind that pretty face
Bet my last dollar baby you been bruised
Poor little heart all black 'n' blue
Come on, come on, come on
What you gonna do with your life?
Come on, come on, come on
Chasing sparks in the nights
His old man said tomorrow is a ride that goes nowhere
But I'll pull some strings, get blackbird wings
And break us out of there
Hey Joey
C'mon tell me 'bout your dreams
Tell me all the sights you're gonna see
Tell me who you're gonna be
Hey Joey
You're gonna kiss the girls goodnight
Sometimes you got to stand and fight
It'll be alright
We're gonna find a better life
A friend of a friend needs a favor
No questions asked, there's not much more to say
Me and the wife, we need the money
We've got four kids all hungry, one on the way
Slip these sweat socks in your shirt and pray they think your packin'
Be sure to keep your head down, don't look 'em in the eye
And don't get fancy, Ricky, we ain't Jimmy Cagney
Look at me, let's do the job and let's get home tonight
I got a half tank of gas and if we run all the lights
We'll slip across the border on the wrong side of right
And just like Butch and Sundance we'll ride until the dawn
Sipping whiskey, singing cowboy songs
On the Right Side of Wrong
We picked a helluva of a night, from the shore I see the skyline
In a couple of hours from now Rick, we're gonna get out of this life
We'll stop for smokes, I brought a six pack, we'll stop at lookers on the way back
Hell, we'll laugh this off, keep your fingers crossed that all goes well tonight
I got a half tank of gas and if we run all the lights
We'll slip across the border on the wrong side of right
And just like Butch and Sundance we'll ride until the dawn
Sipping whiskey, singing cowboy songs
On the Right Side of Wrong
We'll make the grade, they'll know our names, I need a friend to drive here
Wear my necklace of St. Christopher and talk to him while I go inside
I'll take that suitcase, get the cash and we'll be gone before you know
Wait until we tell the girls we're moving down to the Gulf of Mexico...
[Guitar Solo]
A friend of a friend needed a favor
Life was just what happened while we were busy making plans
We never saw nothing, there was a run-in
.9 millimeter steel was coming for the windshield of that Oldsmobile
As the cop said, "Show your hands!"
I got a half tank of gas and if we run all the lights
We'll slip across the border on the wrong side of right
And just like Butch and Sundance we'll ride until the dawn
Sipping whiskey, singing cowboy songs
On the Right Side of Wrong
This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith-departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just wanna live while I'm alive
It's my life
Hey God - Tell me what the hell is going on
Seems like all the good shits gone
It keeps on getting harder hangin' on
Hey God, there's nights you know I want to scream
These days you've even harder to believe
I know how busy you must be, but Hey God...
I'd get down on my knees
I'm going to try this thing you way
Seen a dying man too proud to beg spit on his own grave
Was he too gone to save?
Did you even know his name?
Are you the one to blame, I got something to say
You been robbed
You been used
You been crucified and
You been abused
You been sacrificen and
Now you're confused
Ain't it the truth
You got a hole in your head
And a cold empty spot
In your big brass bed
When you're mad at the world and
You feel like you're losing control
All you need to get by is
A little bit o soul
When you've lost in the flood
And you feel like you been
Kicked through the mud
You know they still
Haven't found the drug
To pick us up
Feeling down, misunderstood
You know these times
They ain't looking so good
When you're mad at the world and
You feel like you're losing control
What we all need to get by is
A little o soul
Whoa oh
Little bit of soul
What we all need
To survive
Is just
A little bit o soul
Everyone's complaining
Nothing but frustration
The king has pissed in
Your pot of gold
It ain't entertaining spending
So much time in the hole
Send down
A little bit o soul
When you're mad at the world
And you feel like
You're losing control
What we all need
To get by is just
A little bit o soul
i am aware they are all bon jovi, but its just whats going roundmy head at the moment....
Tuesday, June 17
well, most of the last couple of days has involved an entire assasination of my character/ personality.
can someone please tell me what i should be? cause obviously im not up to scratch for the rest of the world.
im not meant to be antagonistic,
my personality shouldnt be so sarcastic,
i shouldnt be so self deprecating
nor should i put myself down....thats for a start
all very well, and there may well be some truth in there, however, its all very well saying you shouldnt be, when noone tells me what i should be.
believe it or not there /is/ a person behind the exterior that laughs everything off, and at the moment, that person is very fragile and easily damaged. no wonder that i am being all of these things. they are all i have at the moment in terms of hiding. and yes i know hteres a whole spiel about how i shouldnt hide and all the rest of it, but im not ready to face the world. it would be like putting a 3 year old into a car and giving them free run of the motorway... futile, stupid, ridiculous.
so for now, like it or not people get a cynical b****, who is full of sarcasm and all the rest of it....
in future ill just keep my mouth shut and get out of the building cause i cant stand the heat from the kitchen.
it wasnt really that long a post in thend... seemed like ages... took me an hour and 20 to write... my wrists reallyarescrewedat the moment..... dammit!!!!
okay, well, i have a little time to post about whats been going on in the world of sara recently...
im not entirely sure asa to aLL THE details but there are big things and there are littler things, hoewver i do know that i dont appreciate being guinned down with questions especially vague ones like "so what's going on?" "how are you?" and "are you sure?"
its opkay when theresa specific content, but in the general scheme of thigs what am i supposed to do with somethinglike that!!!
i mean its like for a start making me even more introspective than usual cause i know that im either very introspective or im totally notand wither way it just turns me complewtely in on myself cause i have to think about thigns that are ghappenign that whiolst it would probably be a good idea to consider and do a bit of thinking about, and i might do that i dont wanna go into them in any depth until im detatched enough to actually look at it in any way which might actually be helpful.
disassociation may not be the best way to go about things but at the moment it is the way that i deal with things and its better than other ways.....
like i know that i have several flaws, but i am working on them and okay at the moment, im heading for a brick wall seemingly, at least at the moment i have a chance of getting out with just a broken leg.....
anyway i digress....
stuff thats gone on... well stomp on suinday was really really good....despite lack of leaders, we had a really good time and it felt like the kids were learning, and it was amazing to see our little dynamites being so open and honest.... we were talking about friendships, and how we act towards people, even ehrn they arent nice to us, and in my group one of them was talking really really openly about when they were being bullied, and how they felt, and what they did, and this was a little 6 year old!
that was amazing....
really good sermon on sunday evening..... made a lot of sense, and was amusing....
lots of stuff has happened, some big, some little..... maybe one day ill actually write it down at the time its happening so thatit actually makes sense and gets up here....
im getting a little edgy about the bJ trip... i want my ticket!!!
wont be too happy till it arrives, specially now as my hospital appointment has been moved so ill be able to enjoy it a lot better!
have to say that i do like the album tho- i went and bought it in preperation for my trip to old trafford, as it was reduced in HMV and each time ive listened to it ive spotted new things which just make itr better and better, some amazing lyrics in there too....
please excuse all of the typos in this post- my arms are knackered cause of all the work ive done, and theyve gone back to being dead. im hoping that this is just a temporary thing and its not a huge setback...
anyhow.... im sur you dont all wish to be bored, so ill leave ya to it.... im gonna watch a film now...
ooooooooh yeah.... there are buses tomorrow and wednesday- yey!
Monday, June 16
just thought id post to let you know that im still alive,will post later tonight, as im abuot to go get a train to adwick to see jo.
hoping that everyone is okay..... be prepared for a huge post later!!!!
Sunday, June 15
i got all of the essays in...woohoo!!!!
my wrists completely died tho. that is opants....
not gonna post toomuch now... didnt get in till quarter to one, cause the police wouldnt let anyone leave for a ehile :syes i will tell all, but not now cause im fuming and i dont wishto write in anger. ill write objectively...
thats why im still up when i have to be up and ready to leave he house in a little over 6 hours!
next weeks itinery is as follows....
monday: go gto see jo, and lifeskills (not going to inspire)
tuesday: cinema, meeting with rich r, tea, going to check out a new cluster
wednesday: buses are on strike so kids worship stuff
thursday: as above
friday: band prac train to hertford
sunday: return to sheff, church
oh by the way, they moved my hospital appointment.... :S
anyway... will update on whats been happening soon.
Friday, June 13
ok.. didnt do al nighter... was up at 4.45 instead...
gonna work work work now...anyone reading this please pray that i get it done!!!!im down the pan if not!
Thursday, June 12
thursday will be the all nighter until i go to bed,...
well i failed the greek exam.
i did worse on that than i did on the latin...
means i do a resit in august but hey....
never mind... im gonna get someone else to teach me if they can.....and i have a little more time whith which to do it
woohoo! JC man and myth portfolio is finished!!!!
am going to bed now!
serious catch up on roman world and greek required tomorrow tho....
and the seal essay! looks like thursday couldbe the all nighter!
Wednesday, June 11
i sooooooooo dont want to do the redactio excercise........
in stead im gonna do the unthinkable and do the 4th excercise even though i wasnt in the lecture...
need a definition of what the Jesus seminar is...
this evening was a painful one.
i really get the feeling that im going to crash completely come this weekend/early next week.....
oh well... anyone around to pick up the pieces could be in for a laugh and ill be fine soon.... just dont particularly want to do it at abbies.... lol... hse's gonna think ive turned into a gibbering wreck anyhow as it is!!!
oh well...
im not concentratin very well this afternoon.... i thinki may go get some tea and learn some greek...
then do the redaction criticism later on and another chapter of roman world before bed.
that leaves then 2 chaps of roman world and seal essay, which i can do tomorrow and hand in friday.
three down one to go, and its the exam to end all exams!
three hours of greek. worth 70% of my overall grade and no WAY am i gonna pass it! having memorised the set texts its possible to glean 60 marks from the paper which would be 22.5%overall.... if im really lucky ill remember a couple of paradigms and get another 10 marks.... taking it to around 25% my coursework will be around 50% overall, which is 15%..... i need some cushion room.... ideally i need 85 marks in the exam.... it is possible, just unlikely. if its anything like latin ill panic and freeze up. the only exam ive ever done that on (xept my grade 5 scaled on flute when they gave me Db harmonic minor 2octaves) is that one... could be a second....
this exam was okay i hope...
im not sure i completely answered the questions... i ranted on a bit about the differents quests for the historical jesus in the first question... still answered it but the examiner may not be the best pleased at reading throuhg my definitions of each quest in turn before answering.....
the second question i changed at the last minute as i had a brainwave as i was about to begin planning my answer to my previously chosen question which looked to be the one i could answer best out of the remaining.... but then i realised how open it was, and that i knew how to answer it, so scribbled furiously about the differences bewteen Jesus of history and Christ of faith, followed by the differences of the identity of Jesus between the synoptics and John, and then the different angles dispayed of Jesus' character in the different synoptics. then i said it was inmportant to remember that "the Jesus of the gospels was not the man that we associate with Jesus (dating back to the renaissance), not a white man with flowing clean robes and a beard, but rather a typical man of the context of the time in which he existed." his clothes would have been the same , hair as custom, no beard, not white not clean clothes lived in obscurity and poverty. also need to consider that Jesus of the gospels was a jew and a peasant.
that quote is nearly the best quote ive done in a while....
did a wikkid chapter on roman soldiers early this morning... like 3-6am this morning! i really like it, but im in trouble cause the pics take it up to 1.5 meg and my email wont let me send more than 1 meg attatchments, unless i use my o2 mail which takes years!
need to sort that out and get it handed in tomorrow. twill be fine....
im gonna be lost come next week though when i dont have anything oi need to be doing and to compound all of that there are no flippin buses!!!! my plan was to go out to the country! i can get the train i suppose but i still have to get to the train station... getting around sheffield is okay as far as tram routes go and green 52's - the rest of hte green buses stop at 6pm, and cause i bugeted well i can get taxis if im out late.... but its just a fhassle, like having to get to my exam on monday was....
i spose i could always go to the seaside on wednesday.... t'would be worth the trip into town... an di havent been to the seaside for ages....but if its hot its a no go cause the beaches will be packed. i much prefer walking along bridlington beach at 7am when its cool and deserted and going and skimming a few stones...
im not a crowd person ive decided.... pretty ironich mind when in two weeks and two days (!) ill be in a crown of 65,000 people.... i cant even imagine what 65,000 people would look like! i can cope with 3,000 (average steelers attendance) i much prefer a smaller bunch of opeople i know and love tho...... awwwwwwwwww sweet aint it!
i wonder if there are any jobs going as a train stewardess this summer.... i could then go lots of places and get paid for it... i could do it part time... .the options are not that appealing.... i need to get this stoopid demo done, and the website content up and get out gigging! we have the songs and equipment, just need a demo!
however if the new seinheiser mic we've got isd as good as ed says then we may have a chance of being abvle to do it without outside interference (i mean help ;-) )
anyway, this slightly lengthy rant must end and i must get back to te joys of redaction criticism..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
well, im up...
just checked email and am gonna put another hours graft on the portfolio, gather my work and go do this exam.. do 2 hours of greek, finish the redaction excerise, write the seal essay and go to prayers before coming home and working till 2 ish on this i reckon... if i have to put in a couple of extra hours on thursday thats okay,
anyhow, back to the fray.
woohoo.... second chapter done
1200 words ish....
s'almost three thousand words done... i need to go sleep for a couple of hours tho... im in the mood to work now, and am sooo having fun. grrrrrr. be back later i guess... i need a couple of hours... have an exam this afternoon... but i remember soe of the stuff so thats okay.. ;)
i cant believe that at quater to four it was light.... thats insane... what is possibly more insane is the fact that i am up. :)
thing is though ive not been tired..... i will be at aroudn 6am i reckon, but if i get to bed at 7 and get up again at 11 thats four hours sleep and a lil while to get ready for my exam... the i can put in a full afternoon and evenigns work and go and fail greek tomorrow and then plead for mercy with the people and promise to do better next year... who knows... i may be lucky... if not then i can just repeat the year and redo the modules again... :S
anyhoo... armed with a hot water bottle, its back to the fray.. im notw on 'a roman soldier'.
im currently listening to my 'big' playlist... lots of variety in there.. and its familiar so its just background... i hate silence.
its another thing that scares me.... and before some wiseass asks if thats why im noisy no its not... i dont know why i am but i am, hence i cant sleep without music, which sucks. its why i constantly have music on. there are very few times i can tolerate abvsolute silence. nature rarely has absolute silence, but when it does, its powerful and awe inspiring... like just before a storm... thats when silence should happen. not when youre alone in youre room and trying to go to sleep, or working hard on an essay...
okay back to it!
woohoo... chapter one is finished!
stands at 1306 words at the moment...
4 pictures and a bibliography
k, to see my essays go tohere....
that way if youre not interested you dont have to skip through it all...
well, i had a nice evening, ate pizza and played yahoo pool with joel for a while then taxied home and am now working on my roman world portfolio. i hope to get three out of the five sections done tonight, leaving two to be done tomorrow, unless i can do all 5 tonight which would be nice ....
that then leaves me with the seal essay, greek and the final excercise of Jesus portfolio to complete, and around a tenners worth of printing to do as it needs to be done on a laser printer methinks...
oh well... at least then its done... also need to get a doctors note... will try in the morning i think...
the topics ive chosen for the roman portfolio are....
1) Roman Religion
- Principal Gods and Goddesses and their origins. (State religion)
- Household Gods and Goddesses. (Private religion)
2) A Roman Soldier.
- Dress of a Roman soldier
- Weapons of a Roman Soldier
3) Roman Women
- The typical life of a Roman Woman
- Betrothal and Marriage
4) Roman Housing
- External structure of a typical Roman House
- Internal structure of a typical Roman House
5) Roman Entertainment
- The Races
- The amphitheater
- The Theatre
by splitting each chapter up into smaller sections i then have less to do overall and can focus better, at least that is the plan.... pics will be a nice help too....
brownie points apparently....
i need all the points i can get...
Tuesday, June 10
Revised commentary.
In the video documentary “Son of God” many questions are raised with regards to the difference between peoples perceived ideas as to Jesus’ identity and the identity of the historical Jesus. Using a team of scientists and specialists in the subject, we were able to see a reconstruction of what the historical Jesus would have been much more likely to look like as a person, and this was quite different to the preconceived ideas of the general public. The general perception of Jesus as a person can be dated back to renaissance, whereupon an image of Jesus as a Caucasian male with a beard, long flowing hair and gentle features was created. In fact the historical Jesus was completely different to this however, in the film following the results of the reconstruction I think that it would have been a lot harder for people to identify with the more historically correct Jesus and also engage with the developments on screen because of this afore mentioned difficulty.
By using a representation of the preconceived Jesus, people are more easily able to identify the character on screen as Jesus and follow the proceedings of the film.
In the film, the “historical Jesus” is wearing clean white clothes throughout, even when performing tasks that would leave anyone else’s clothes dirty and or bloody or torn. In my opinion the purpose of this is again to enable the audience to identify with the character as Jesus is often associated with wholeness and purity, which is often symbolised by the colour white. Personally, I think that often his clothes stay spotlessly clean in order to convey almost subconsciously the idea that Jesus is ‘different’ to the other people in the film.
Overall, I found the documentary interesting to watch and see the differences between the preconceived ideas of who Jesus was and the more historically accurate ideas. I found it quite odd however, that in the second part of the documentary the person chosen to play the character of Jesus was someone who reflected the more general idea of Jesus as a person as opposed to the more historically accurate reflection. In my opinion it would have made more sense to have the second part of the documentary at the beginning as from this there would have been a valid point for both using a preconceived idea of Jesus and as a result of that, opening up a discussion which would give cause to investigate what the “historical Jesus” would have actually looked like.
I was also quite intrigued by the tension that existed between faith and science and how scientific evidence was used to prove things which some people believed by faith, for example, where they investigated the likelihood that Jesus sweated blood as he was crucified, which was consequently proven to be something which could have quite feasibly happened.
This then also created a slightly paradoxical situation for me, as while the conclusions in both faith and science were the same, by using the science to prove what was previously believed by faith, the need for faith was then eliminated as science could prove it, which to me showed that a lot of people feel the need of having a back up to aid them in their ‘belief’, which challenged me personally as to my stance on that particular point of debate.
have a read... if you want!
woohoo... second exercise finished. will have third one done by 9.30 i think
leaving an all nighter tonight to do roman world portfolio and then tomorrow after exam to do greek and seal essay and then done!
if each section of roman world has to be 4 pages witharound 330 words a page... thats 5 sections at 1300 words a section...
thats 6500 words!!!!!!!!!!
eugh, like half a dissertation!
oh well...
ive lost my abilty to be coherent andhave a large vocabulary.....
see pasted log file below....
[16:42] sara|away> like assumption of what is the case
[16:43] Ed_mpz`> ummm... in a sentence, mebbe??
[16:43] Ed_mpz`> like, i get the feeling, but i can't stick a word to it :S
[16:43] sara|away> eg... jesus is portrayed as a white guy with a beard and daz washed clothes because thats what people think of when they hear the word'jesus'
[16:43] Ed_mpz`> 'k... 2 secs
[16:44] sara|away> kinda like word association....
[16:44] sara|away> but not
[16:44] Ed_mpz`> yeah... i'm just kicking myself to remember it right now :|
[16:45] Ed_mpz`> it's like a collocation of a word with an idea
[16:46] Ed_mpz`> nah.. i'm drawing a serious blank with that one
[16:47] sara|away> never mind
[16:47] Ed_mpz`> all i can come up with is "preconcieved idea" "inextricably linked"
[16:47] Ed_mpz`> stuff like that
[16:47] sara|away> i think i got away with it
[16:47] sara|away> yeah ive used preconcieved idea
[16:47] Ed_mpz`> and i KNOW there's a f*****g word for it too
[16:47] sara|away> and the other one isnt right
[16:47] sara|away> me too!
[16:48] sara|away> a word thats between underhanded and subliminal
[16:48] sara|away> subconciously
[16:49] sara|away> but not
[16:49] sara|away> erk!
[16:49] Ed_mpz`> mmmm
[16:51] Ed_mpz`> intuitive or intrinsic or inherent are about as close to that as i can get
[16:53] sara|away> gah!!!
this is quite an okay album... some pants on it butquite happily listenable to whilst working....
might put bonnie tyler on in a couple tho... getting bored of it on the 6th listen through...
and ive found some notes that are helpful so im gonna do the exercise i didnt think id be able to do... will do the synoptic exercise outline on the bus on the way to prayers.... and yes im going to go... get the last green bus into town and then a green 52 to crookes and back and a 253 (hopefully) home again... i cant stay in the house all day is my problem!
hopefully will have another ex done in around an hour..
have just been and washed my hair...
its now grown so that its past the threshold of being curly when dry without use of gel or mousse.... which is interesting... i think i want to keep my curls so my options are either get a perm and keep them, or have my hair cut again.....
dunno which to do....
k, here it is...
The gospel I have chosen to carry out this exercise with is the gospel of Mark. Having been asked to read the gospel as one would a novel, and then comment upon the main content of the text, its message and the way in which the author has conveyed this within the text, I observed the following points.
The gospel begins with a short account of John the Baptist's foretelling of Jesus’ arrival and his purpose once there. It then continues with the story of Jesus’ life from his baptism to his death, resurrection and ascension focussing on three major areas; the miracles he performed (found mainly in chapters 2-8), the teachings of Jesus (mainly located in chapters 9-13, although there is crossover between these first two sections), and finally on Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension in the final chapters of the gospel. Chapters 1-13 of the gospel are seemingly located in the area around Lake Galilee, and the final three chapters are located in the area around Jerusalem.
The message conveyed by the author of Mark is quite similar to the content. The author is documenting the story of Jesus as an adult, communicating his teachings and the authority and victory he seemed to yield, even over death, to the point of his ascension. In my opinion the author of the gospel is bringing both information about Jesus’ activities and life and a sense of hope for their futures to the people who were perhaps previously unfamiliar with the stories of Jesus.
The way in which the author of the gospel of Mark conveys this to his audience is through the use of simple, vivid, shorter stories. These could almost be compared to a collection of ‘news items’ about Jesus, moving between stories quite quickly with each story having quite a dramatic event or message to keep the readers attention, and make them consider the events or teachings which have taken place in relation to their own lives.
aaaaaah. back to work now... consumed my lunch of a pot noodle wghiklst sorting the booming things out... my shoulder really hurts... owwwww and my stomach. i dont think theyre related..
oooooooooh my goodness! finally im getting somewhere!!!!!!!!
have got ticket to london sorted.. didnt wanna go that way but hey.. 30 quid for a 1st class return (didbnt have any standard!) wasnt too bad... and then london to hertford is 13.80 return...
k, confirmations printed for both bookings....
woohoo! im going to see abbie!!!
okay, im actually starting.... a one page review on the gospel of mark, main content, main messaghe and how is this conveyed by the author.... this i can do....
in fact i may put all this up on here as i do it.... oooooh scary thought.... lol i could start another blog withall my essays on it!hmmmmm ;-)
yey. now im being ranted at... just what i wanted when im trying to work...
oh well... at least i have david coverdale's 'into the light' album to keep me company as i write...
well, i got in last night, watched legally blonde again, (brill film) and went to bed.
this morning my tooth really hurts. its the same one ive mentioned previously. the one i need to get taken out. i guess that that is a job for next monday... :s i really really hate dentists. they screwed it up in the first place. today is a work day. first up is the Jesus man or myth portfolio, then its the roman world portfolio... maybe do both at the same time...i dunno but they are on the list... if i make good time, i will try to go to prayersat 7pm... which i worked out is possible as the 253's are still runnin cause they are chesterfield buses, as is the 42/43/87 triage of buses which will still get me up the hill if not as close to home.
i guess today you may well expect several blogs as being working i lose concentration quite easily and therefore this will prove aworthy distraction. also im hoping people might email me today and i can have fun replying to it!
the shiftkey and the spacebar seem to be intermittently cutting out on me so i apologise for any stoopid errors that occur
also today itseems that i am unable to spell, althought it may kust be me getting re-used to wearing wrist supports as my wrists are hurting a little today and i have about 8000 words to type.
At the moment im very aware that im pushing stuff under the carpet and i dont like that, however i cant do anyhtign about it till ive got some of this work done as i cannot be doing with the distractions, however, itll allbe over thursday afternoon, which is great and then i have no excuses....i just dont likethe way that i feel unable to accomplish anything atthe moment, or be able todo something for me cause i just feel really selfish cause theres lots of stuff i could be doing that isnt , but i know that ineed to give some time to myself as i often neglect to....uggggggh!
oh by the way, i found out a fun fact for thursdays exam.... i never associated that ranmoor halls of residence were gettable to by going down shore lane, as id never been down it further than lydgate school and never been up it anymore than the halls, but theres no sign on the bottom part of the thats cool cause it means i canwalk down shore lane to get there, which is much better in terms of getting connecting buses for me so im quite happy about that.
Jo has returned home for a week or so. ill miss her but she'll be back soon...
this week i have so much todo other than exams... i need to book train tickets, which i was going to do after writing this post, i need to get to the arena and book tickets to see meatloaf in december for myself and abbie, need to organise stomp and dynamites as well and work out who's doing what, but i can do that tonight,and email everyone and ring beth...also need to go to the hospital for more tests, and meet rich on thursday, and ring another rich to say hi...sand go for a meal on friday with the assassin's guild and go bowling on saturday for my sisters birthday, ad call in to see abbie's parents at some point soon as i promised. two of those things i can do next week, like ill prolly call in to see claire and ken next tuesday/wednesday while the buses are striking, i can walk down through the park,and back if i want, or if im feeling reallly really energetic i mightsee if i can bike.. well i know that i /can/ bike... its just been a while, and it would air my speed demon, the challenge would be getting back though as i dont really wantto have to push it very much plus the gears are still not right, i mended them so they will go down to 7th gear now, but i cant get 6th or below. its realy not often that i use 21st gear, like i'd be so much happier if it werethe last 6 gears i couldnt get to... i generally ride on 10/11/12th gear as where i live is a lot of downhill so i dont really wanna bedoing 40/50 mph (not an exaggeration!) specially in the middle of a weekday when its gonna be well trafficky, the fastest i got was 57 mph down aroad whoise name eludes me at this moment in time... it comes out onto archer road and has been speedbumped since (dont i know it!) and that was at 8am on a sunday morning and i was on my way to king's centre back in the days when my knees could take riding up steep hills... if i could still bike i could quite happily bike to philadelphia and back...the only tricky bit would be through town cause the best way of doing is: my house straight down across woodseats and along abbeydale road (1 hour) into town, go the bus route down towards west bar and he up infirmary road... (20 mins) on the way back, id go the same way, but for the fact of not going up woodseats but keeping going and up the beast of a hill in length but not gradient past beauchief hotel across abbey lane and then up bocking lane as opposedto meadowhead - that would take 2 hours altogether... hmmmm.
hehe... anyhoo i guess i better stop procrastinating and do some work....
Monday, June 9
oh by rthe way if you wondered what the question was in this afternoons exam..... here it is....
" What appears below is a selection of excerpts from the book of Hosea that is meant to be treated as though it were a single unit of text as you prepare your answers. using rthe given text unit and the attatched summary of the reign of Jeroboam II discuss climatic conditions, food production and diet; religion, magic; presumptions about how the world worked and causation (i.e. the general world-view). Then, as a final step summarize how the political situation being addressed by JHosea would be presented in a current newspaper, including the policy that was being persued by the king and his advisory staff and the prophets predicted outcome if it remains in effect, and Hosea's alternative policy that he felt would have been more expedient under the circumstances and his predicted outcome of it if implemented. "
like, what kind of question is that!!!!! im not doing a politics degree!!!!!
and what does expedient mean anyhow?????
well, another exam down.... it was a different format to what we'd been told, and was almost a timed essay... the last part was unclear as to what was being asked and so i think a lot of people will have dropped on that but if thats the case its not too bad...
managed to pull a muscle in my stomach yesterday i think, it kills to stretch or to laugh which isnt helpful when tring to stretch my baclk which is aching for the first time in around 2 weeks.... grrr still i reckon that it'll be okay, ill probably fail my greek module, but if i can convince them ill not have to repeat the year... pleeeeeeease, either that, or let me pass! if i can get 50% on the coursework thats 15% overall meaning i need 25% on the exam, which is 50 marks im aiming fpor 80 marks which is 40% on the exam.
eeeeeeerg....... im in trouble
well, i am definately going to abbies for aweekend!!!
have ecided to come back on the sunday tho, as i need to do nasty prep on the monday and sh'ell be back in sheff for a bit a fortnight after anyhow!!
the kids stuff this mornign was awesome!!! it was great to see a big bunch of kids going all out! the worries id had about it (like would my lead be long enough) were all okay, and the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves!
this afternoon saw a great convo with me abbie (ali g moment there!) for a lil while and hearing some of the stuff that she did was amazing, like WOW, i cannot believe that im living with my best friend next year!!!! its gonna be a holy house! :))
tomorrow sees me stranded at ui after my exam as the buses are on strike, and im going to lifeskills in the evening so am gonna go do some work
anyways, am gonna go get some sleep,
night all
Saturday, June 7
okay, well good news is brilliant! i may be going away for the weekend from the 20th-23rd :)
it may turn into the 22nd, as i have to do nasty prep (at least by the sounds of it from ruth!) on the 23rd, tho i can get home quite early... i dont know yet....
anyway, i may be going to stay with my darling abbie :) :) :)
she finally got home yesterday having been delayed for 2 days.... apparently she got to stay in the macdonalds hotel in zurich...
she /did'nt/ unfortunately bump into the st tom's lot that were over there, which would have been hilarious (well the phone call id have got when she got back along the lines of "you'll never guess who i could have sworn i saw while i was in switzerland!?!") but she did bump into the people the st toms guys had been to see and stayed with them for a night (they got back late because of the french strikes hence staying in the macdonalds hotel one night and withthe random people the next) but im glad she's home okay.
so yeah! woohoo
now im going to sleep as i need to be at philly for 9 in the morning...
night all..
I am the mission. |
![]() |
You're a mecha pilot! |
You might be a sub-category of bishounen, but this hardly matters since you don't notice anything that didn't feature in the last edition of Guns'n'Ammo magazine. You have been trained since an unfeasibly early age to be a machine of death and destruction. If you've noticed an annoying girl following you around and repeatedly getting into danger and requiring rescue recently, run like hell - she's probably your love interest... Which generic anime character are you? |
i want one of those commenty type things to fit with my blog... not that anyone will actually write in it mind prolly....
hehe... thiese next two weeks are quite hellish for me in some ways... no buses for half of them! luckily, i havea lift for monday to get to my exam, however, the problem then lies in that i need to get home after lifeskills at crookes..still, worst come to worst, then i can black cab it home...
anyhow,im gonna go watch red dwarf in a couple of minutes and then catch up on the sleep i didnt get last night, and then tomorrow sees me stranded in the house so i can get some work done...
Friday, June 6
well, thats one exam down three to go.
i actually dont think i failed it, which is a miracle seeing as i spent half of last night spewing my guts up.
i did some of the math whilst in the exam, i have one essay outstanding which is worth like 25% of my grade for the module, i reckon i got 45% on the exam (to which i answered all of the questions and only completely bulled on two of them) and i got 69 on my other essay (worth 25%) so if we add that up, we get, call it 20% overall on my exam itself and 17% on the first essay, thats 37 % already got, so i need to get a grand total of 3 % overall to pass the module on the last essay, now because the doctors are being arsey about giving me a note, im taking into account marks being knocked off, so i need 3% plus 20 marks to be safe.... which is, 34 marks..... i reckon i can get at least 50 on the portfolio meaning one module passed..... woohoo...
monday will be interesting, although apparently i have a lift now...which is nice, just need to work out how im gonna get home at 10pm... its gonna cost a fortune in taxi's next week, but it does mean that ill deffo get some work done cause i cant go out anywhere
today im going for lunch and then doing greek.
hopefully the kinda vague success of this morning will give me some of the much needed motivation to do it!
Thursday, June 5
Wednesday, June 4
well, the mars ice cream was converted into a loverly banana caramel and chocolate milkshake/smoothy type thing as only i know how to make...... mmmmmmmmmmm
also knocked up a quick dance choon on e-jay.....
i swear im getting more towny by the minute!
today im gonna watch buffy and then head off to do some work... might call in the central library and have a look at some reference books in prep for the essay....
all out work today on greek and then roman world portfolio tomorrow and then can hand both those things in, seal essay on friday afternoon, and then i think man/myth portfolio over the weekend and all work is done for monday thats the plan...
okay, rant over, but i am really not happy.
im currently listenign to the ladysmith black mambazo album....
some good stuff on here...
Tuesday, June 3
first excam is on friday morning
work to do... lots of it for then. the the next 2 are afternoon exams, and the last one is morning
next friday heralds a meal in the evening
Monday, June 2
today saw the interesting quandry of trying to have a shower whilst avoiding the man who was putting a new window in the next room.... however, in the end i managed to get my hair washed.
then had prac this afternoon. added a new song to the ever expanding list which was nice.
then inspire... questions about vision....i dont like being put on the spot.
im not sure about it all...
have to say tho that ruths quiz is very well thought out... a lot of the quizzes i do have a lots of obvious answers, specuially the "who are oyu most like" ones, you can tell which answer refers to whom, this one i couldnt tell, there were one or two which were obvious but my answer was....
You are: Gareth Robinson. And you are about to be
a Christian superstar!!!
Which St Tom's member of staff are you turning into?
brought to you by Quizilla
didnt really have a clue who id turn out like, xept for being told quite often im turning into ruth.....
but yeah, congrats with that.
today it feels as if life is weighing me down.... tomorrow is work... all the way....
hmmmmmm. well the dya was interesting.... arrived in town at 8.30 am, having allowed the 'little extra time' as advised by the bus driver, like an hour.... 3 hours later and im still in town.... got pickled up having walked partway home and then was picked up to get to eds and collect my guitar.... the attempt at recording was unsuccessful... we had the bass sounding great.... but the rest didnt work, so move on to plan b.... from there went to the teaching service with chris which was cool....
will get a tape this week, as had no change xept bus money for tomorrow/today whatever....
was slightly miffed to find that our suspicions about donington had been right all along and metallica /did/ play.... oh well...
am pretty much like decidedly gfoing to leeds in august for 2 days of the festival so ill see them then.. along with a few other bands :)
finally managed to update the songs bit a bit, which is nice to be a bit more current, and also added a new link, check it out, well worth a read! - a fellow assasin in the guild (a uni thing for those who are worried!)
going to bed now...
Sunday, June 1
well, thats about it i think....
im not sleeping cause its too d*mned hot!!!!!
however, need ot be out early in the morning cause its the marathon, and no im not running in it... but its screwed all of the buses for the morning.....
grrrrr, still at least i dont have to trek my guitar up to church.....
You are Mr. Teatime from Terry Pratchett's
You are a sociopathic assassin who would like to
kill every fairytale character, including the
Discworld equivalent of Santa Claus.
Strangely, nobody wants to be your friend.
Which Cool Evil Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
could almost be true...
![]() Ability: Farseeker Farseekers posses the ability to communicate over great distances via telepathy. They are great friends who know when they're needed, and seem to be able to detect others thoughts. |
![]() Ability: Beastspeaker Beastspeakers are gifted with the enviable ability to communicate with the animals around them. Most Beastspeakers are genuine people, and tend to enjoy time in the open air, instead of inside doing mundane chores. In general, Beastspeakers love the environment almost as much as they love their animals and friends. |
is your Misfit Talent? |
You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
hmmmmm. i dont think i did.....
You are an eight-winged Archangel!
You use your eon-old wisdom to lead the armies of
Heaven, should the need arise. You are
extremely powerful and a trusted advisor. Most
of your time you spent meditating on the riddle
of time and space and the purpose of life, and
it is not easy to call upon you.
What kind of supernatural being are you?
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You are Beauty.
You are beautiful, whether it be on the inside, the
outside, or both. People are drawn to you as
strongly as you are drawn to the beauty in the
world around you.
What Emotion Are You?
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most certainly was /not/, repeat /not/ expecting that to be the answer!!!