ok.... need to go and find all the unanswered questions on judges 13-16 now.
do you realise last time i had four solid hours of work was in y11..... i never had that in 6th form..... i coped though... the bible and the historical imagination is going to be an interesting module methinks...
and the bible and the fourfold gospel to look at tomorrow :)
Tuesday, September 30
oh.. though id let you all in on the intellectual delight which is......
thats right.... as part of my course and module 'the bible and the arts' we get to watch a film most weeks as a group and some weeks we have to watch one on our own as well.... sooo
a bit of a question as well.... in order to do this module well it is recommended that we watch the films more than once to pick up on detail.. however we only watch them once unless we get hold of them or rent them from bibs... sooo..
if anyone out there (in sheff anyhow) has any of the following films on video and would like to lend them to me sometime around the date we watch them then that would be very much appreciated. any asterisked ones are ones i havent previously seen so a couiple of viewings would DEFINIATELY be beneficial.
6/10 -
SAMSON AND DELILAH (dir Cecil B. DeMille) - this is an old hollywood film
*SAMSON AND DELILAH*(dir Nicolas Roeg) * i havent seen this.. i think it may be newer than the above (possibly the one with liz hurley in?)
*KING DAVID *(no idea on this one!)
*PLEASANTVILLE * ive never seen this.... whats it about??? (well i know which text its sposed to relate to...)
*THE PASSION *** (assuming its been released by then- this is the long awaited much talked about mel gibson epic) what a birthday present! ive wanted to see this since i heard about it!
also... "it is recommended that you also watch a number of the older Jesus films, especially if you havent seen that many of them" i cant remember any except 'Jesus of nazareth' any suggestions welcome here...
*THE LIFE OF BRIAN* believe it or not ive never seen this! solo viewing
*the last temptation of christ* the bit ive seen of this i didnt like... very contraversial
*DEMETRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS* dunno anything about this... never heard of it!
**GLADIATOR** no... i ahvent seen this one either..... call me sad.. ppl have been nagging me to try and get me to see it for ages but i ahvent got round to it yet....!
THE MATRIX heh.. i guess thats my dissertaion idea gone then.... :S still i ahve a couple more ideas on what to yet
so there y'all are....
anyone can help... or even if anyone would like to watch any of em too! get in touch...
much appreciated :)
the comments system is down for a while due to a virus that is spreading on it.
hopefully it will be back up soon.
oh yeah...
uni was okay this morning...
and my application for lab awssistant to microbiology came through too...
ust filling it out now...
no sign of my student loan as yet though...
k am gonna do my homework after this job application is fille dout.
Monday, September 29
well have just tidied thw whole of my room.. im quite proud that i did it all in onego! ive also peeled most of the superglue off my hand (and taken most of the hair and some skin with it:S)so yah :)
i worked out that i owe like nearly 700 quid altogether :S
411 of it is rent (till end of october anyhow) the other 400 will be sorted later
50 quid to ed
50 quid for stereo
200 to mum (tho am gonna pay one hundred this term and 100 in jan)
so out of 1300 quid (Approx...)
-600 (rent)
-50 (ed)
-50 (stereo)
-100 (mum)
+500 left = 130 a month to live on
doable i think....
hopefully by then ill have a job and thats decembers rent sorted ....
we'll see
hmm. well today has been good so far...
got up at quarter to 8, and my stereo came at 6 minutes past.... no problem with that at all.. it works!
went to uni for meeting found out i dont have anythign wednesday afternoons after all (BONUS!) so came back... put my stereo together, which involved sorting out my desk so its tidy, so i figured id tidy the ret of my room.. fair desicion non?
so i moved my guitar, and nealy dropped it cause the thing on the stand isnt stiuck so i borrowed the superglue to stick it together ... managfed to pour superglue all over my hand :S luckily i havent stuck my hand together but ive still got loads there so need to sort that later... :S hjehe
all in al tho not too bad... i didnt get my loan today but hey.. amybe tomorrow....
now im listening to the lion king stage version on ym new stereo with the surround sound function on... :D
and im gonna carry on tidying up... my shoulder hurts too...need to be creful with that.
Sunday, September 28
havent been to church this evening.
i curled upia t around 3.45 adn woke up half an hour ago.... so i couldnt even if id been that bothered. i was there this morning however giving a hand with the kids but got a fair bit of the service anyhow cause they did family communion.
it was one of the mornings i knew why i do it.... we were doing the lord's prayer and as a craft taking sections and coming up with ideas about what the bits mean... we had the first 2 sections (our father in heaven, hallowed be your name --- your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven) but in kid speak and my group (v boisterous boys and quiet girls) after gettign the boys foccussed had a really good idea of doing it cartoon style like a comic strip so some poeople got on with that and those who couldnt fit round that paper came to discuss the second section with me and we were talking about it and trying to answer hte question "what does it mean when it says 'your kingdom come?' and one of the girls said "it's when heaven breaks out on earth "(EXACT WORDS) WOOHOO!!!! what an answer!!!
am on my last 2 piecves of fruit which are about to be pudding to my nice tea of tinned potatoes, tinned garden peas (mmmmm) and sausages... hopefully my student lan will arrove tomorrow so i can get some more fruit and veg oh and some stuff to write on for uni i spose;.... ;-)
i can also see how thelast 2 statements contridict each other....
it was after i got off the phone to abbie that i realised that...
im not making much sense today am i....
in the last 10 days... onyl one person has texted me (albeit more than once in their case) thankyou to that person.
heh.. was just wondering why i felt unpopular today...
just need to get credit for my phone soon and then maybe ill be able to text people too.
abbie just rang me to see how i was doing...
twas nice to hear from her...
i can smell nice food cooking... not sure whast.. might have to go nd investigate on my way to get a cup of tea.
uni tomorrow :)
i realised this evening that i have a good view of the airport from my window.. how did i realise this???
well im guessing that something actually landed/took off from there!!!!
it was dark and all the runway lights were on.... then they went off a while later, but it looked really cool... when i get my bino's i might keep tabs on there.... unless my 'scope is still at my parents house in which case i can play with it ang get back into my astronomy
spent 2 hours making a authentic drippy candle as well....
just goes to show how sad/bored ive been this evening... :)
Saturday, September 27
lots to do...
i found my proper "church" candles as well.... ie they take a LONG time to burn down :) lo got some of my old candle holders so trhey fit and wont fall over or burn teh desk...
i love working by candlelight... specially when im writing.
cause of the nature of the candles as well they are very bright.. 2 will provide enough light to light he room very comfortably.... must remember to get some more when i have some money... it might help save on the electricity bills :)
hopefully my new stereo will arrive today....(no actually it wont arrive till monday..... very useful when im not in. :X)
got to go register for uni in a bit.
made myself my special scrambled eggs last night.. lovely... also found id had 2 nose bleeds when i woke up....such is life.
oh well... can actually do somethign today then rather that sit and wait...
hoping that my loan goes through on monday... textbooks and so on need to be bought.. oh and things to make and take notes on nd with (i have some but i kinda wanted everything to be new...
but hey. will make of it what is to be made of it i guess
Friday, September 26
tere ya go...
this is apparently me... same as when i did myers briggs....
nice to see the consistency
things are getting slightly more interesting again... this is a good thing.
uni on monday woohoo!
been playing with some arty stuff recently... gonan do some stuff i think.. might even get some inspiration on my little trip to london im gonna take in a couple of weeks... which will also be nice to meet people. am quite looking forwards to it... just need my loan to come through so i can confirm the date and book the tickets.
hoping ill hear with regards of the job soon too... mayeb through the post tomorrow....
am waiting for my stereo to arrive now.
Thursday, September 25
did some theraputic cooking this evening...
it involved hacking a courgette and parsnip and 2 cloves of garlic to bits with a cleaver.
and then burnng them (well...browning them at least... ) it was possibly helpful...
also been home today. my new stereo arrives oin the next 2 days
Tuesday, September 23
oh yeah.. my stereo is broken now as well... so i get to sit and listen to the sound oif silence and i dont mean by simon and garfunkel!
i guess i should explain all this from the top.
but i cant for so many reasons.
i dint know what time ill get up tomorrow... have got last night to catch up on as well...
ok, so maybe it sounds like i was being a bit melodroamatic... maybe i was. maybe i wasnt.
all i can say is after that i spent three hours curled up on my bed sobbing like a baby into my bagpuss. for the first time in a while i cried myself to sleep and im not proud of it. if i hadnt had scheduled a meeting for 9.30 this mornign i wouldnt have got up. as it happened... the walk i did to get to philly did me some good. the air was really bracing which helped the fact that i felt really weak and the route and length allowed me to think about stuff a bit. 9am prayers was a blessing as well and by the time my meeting with rich started i was kinda composed and able to focus on what needed to be focussed on which was good.at the moment im waiting for the genetic nurse to come round. the waiting seems like hours and hours and hours and i just want it to be over so i can just shut myself away in my little corner. i got a really nice card through the post this morning, which i got when i got back earlier which cheered me up a fair bit. the most important thing at the moment i think is to hang on.....
i remembered the other lyrics i wanted to post.
jon anderson and vangelis - i'll find my way home
"You ask me where to begin
Am I so lost in my sin?
You ask me where did I fall
Ill say I cant tell you when
But if my spirit is lost
How will I find what is near?
Dont question Im not alone
Somehow Ill find my way home
My sun shall rise in the east
So shall my heart be at peace
And if youre asking me when
Ill say it starts at the end
You know your will to be free
Is matched with love secretly
And talk will alter your prayer
Somehow youll find you are there.
Your friend is close by your side
And speaks in far ancient tongue
A seasons wish will come true
All seasons begin with you
A world we all come from
A world we melt into one
Just hold my hand and were there
Somehow were going somewhere
Somehow were going somewhere
(Instrumental break)
You ask me where to begin
Am I so lost in my sin?
You ask me where did I fall
Ill say I cant tell you when
But if my spirit is strong
I know it cant be long
No questions Im not alone
Sometime Ill find my way home"
with that i'll leave you as i go downstairs
actually...it will take a couple of days to make but my last post is going to be good ive decided.
im gonna put together the best photos and lyrics and memories an post them all together. remembver the good times thatd be a nice way to end actually rather than the uber depressing reality of tonights proceeduings
ok. i kind of lied. i meant ot do this earlier but got distracted somewhere between teh blackmail and feeling utterly useless...
some inspiring sing lyrics....
If life is a river and your heart is a boat
And just like a water baby, baby born to float
And if life is a wild wind that blows way on high
And your heart is Amelia dying to fly
Heaven knows no frontiers and I've seen heaven in your eyes
And if life is a bar room in which we must wait
'Round the man with his fingers on the ivory gates
Where we sing until dawn of our fears and our fates
And we stack all the dead men in self addressed crates
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day
When fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes
If your life is a rough bed of brambles and nails
And your spirit's a slave to man's whips and man's jails
Where you thirst and you hunger for justice and right
And your heart is a pure flame of man's constant night
In your eyes faint as the singing of a lark
That somehow this black night
Feels warmer for the spark
Warmer for the spark
To hold us 'til the day when fear will lose its grip
And heaven has its ways
And heaven has its ways
When all will harmonise
And you know what's in our hearts
The dream will realise
Heaven knows no frontiers
And I've seen heaven in your eyes
there was someting else but cant remember it... oh well ... its not exactly like it matters
this may well be the last entry you read as i get the feeling ill be going to a psycho ward tomorrow
hope its been entertaining for you. its been fun to me.
thanks to the cast and supporting crew. you know who you are.
Monday, September 22
well.. the classical has become the corrs... no worries!
almost done ontnhe addresses side..
the washing is in the machine and am about to tidy
today i will be mostly.... sorting out all my addresses/numbers for people and then tidying up ready for the visit from the cloning people... oh and listening to rimsky-korsakov and berlioz and tchaikovski.
and starting physio ewxcersises on my back agaibn :S
doies anyone out there knwo what you need to do with a PGP key?? does it just need to be pasted into the text??? i cant find any info other than getting yoursxelf one... help would be ap[preciated.
ok... ive just replied to a LOAD of comments.. blogspeak has been moving to a new server so most of them have only just appeared.. so check out for a reply!
from now on i should be able to reply to comments a lot more frequently...
and get them when they arrive...
need to get some more quizzes done soon methinks... or actually scan some pics in.... lol
Sunday, September 21
well... this evening was nice.. i actually sat with cluster ppl for once.. which was nice, and was encouraged and challenged by the sermon which was good..
then walked back from philly with ruth w which was nice.. and took a lot less longer than i thought it would which was nice..
came straight up to here. and am having a little bit of a tidy before goign to bed
dont you just hate emotional blackmail? whether intended or not, its one of the hardest things to deal with.. at least thats what i find... i seem to picking it up more and more in certain situations im involved in and im finding its wearing me down.
i guess it doesnt help that im actually quite depressed with the whole being ill thing.. something htat ive not been wanting to admit cause i honestly thought id beaten it previously.. plus admitting it would almost mean id failed in some weird way... but yeah thats partly to do with some of the complexes i have... but its not totally on top of me at the moment and it /will/ go away... but it takes time i know.. so im gonna be patient. i actually considered going to the doctors abotu it these last 2 weeks when things were really bad and on top of me.. but there isnt a lot theyll do (if anything knowing my doctors surgery) other than prescribe me tablets i cant take or tell me to go and 'see someone'. so not a lot of help.
still... i am honestly really looking forwards to gonig back to uni.. i think having the work to do will help... if anythign ill ahve something to focus on... which at the moment i dont really have anything to which i am aware of and thats kind of unsettling.. but also a good thing cause its not so much a question of wondering if actually i define my identity by what i do, which i try not to... i think id still cope okay if stuff was taken away.. i just like to know that i can be useful in someways :)
i think im prolly gonna be looking at an admin/receptionist type job when i get it...
which is cool.. id quite like the experience... just need to find one... so as before.. if there are any going.. let me know...
teh admin stuff will be useful for when the band gets into doing stuff... itd just be useful anyhow i think... specially if i ever get my business up and running.. i was looking into outlay costs etc the other day and if i could get any funding but that all looks complicated :S.. itd take aroudn 400 quid to get totallty set up i reckon includsing website and hosting materials advertising marketing media and initial expenses... maybe one day soon....
well i got up around an hour and a half ago...
am not really sure how im managing to stay in bed so long...
gonna go make lunch in a bit... pasta and sweetcorn...with chicken gravy.
at the moment i have four meals which go in rotation till i get some money cos im totally skint...
they are.....
pasta with sweetcorn and chicken gravy
pasta with sweetcorn, peas and tuna (and gravy/sauce)
sausage casserole with potato and sweetcorn
potato waffles with fish fingers and peas
oh and if theres milk theres always pancakes and gravy...
but i have breakfast cereal and non of it is nasty crap food where all the goodness has been taken out... well im not really sure that sausages have any goodness in them to start with... but yeah... the point is that i make it all myself from scratch... ive eaten all my fruit that i bought, but i have been gettgin some of my five a day.. at the moment its more along the lines of three and a half a day.. but its still more than a lot of people
well next week is looking to be shaping up to beign fairly busy...
nothing monday yet which is nice...
tuesday.. 9.30 meeting and then the genetsisty persony type thing is coming at 2... thats an interesting one... i really dont know how i feel abou that as yet...
wednesday 12.pm at philly to see ruth
thursday collect registration documents for uni
friday is free so far..
saturday afternoon is registration
then it settles into a bit more of a regular routine... in tuesdays and wednesday mornings ( hopefully possibly working wednesday afternoons as a mentor in doncaster secondary schools... have to check the timings with my lectures yet)
(and the occasional monday afternoon for uni this semester) and then hoping to have about 15-20 hours of work a week spread out otherwise (if i get the job as a mentor then thats 5 hours a week = 25£ so would just need 10 hours) so if anyone knows of any jobs at around 10 hours a week then please let me know!!! altogether if i can get 50 quid a week thats pretty much my rent and bills sorted, meaning i can save some money too, like 10 pounds a week, which over the uni year is around 300 quid, which dont sound much... but it is! obviously thats the minimum... ideally id like to save like 30-40 pounds a week which taes it much closer to 1000 which if i can get that im debating going away next summer.. or possibly the summer after... cause if i worked all through the summer then the possibility of my trip to canada/ newzealand (the only 2 places ive ever really REALLY always wanted to go) gets much bigger... being a student i dont have to pay tax on the first 4000 of what i earn, which is nice but i dont really think that id be earning much more than that to be honest... (50x30=1500) + (100x20=2000) = 3500 so yeah..... that5s accounting for only working for 50 quid a week during tewrm time which is approximately 30 weeks and 100 for non term time (s'around 20 hours) for 20 weeks
that way if i can get away with only doing 10 hours (im not including the wednesday afternoon thing cause that wouldnt be used for work if i didnt get this job) it means i still have a fair bit of free time, which will be important.... so my week would hopefully look like this....
mon | work 5 hours
tues | uni 9-3 ish
weds |uni 9-12 ish
thurs|work 5 hours
friday| time off/artsycraftsy/songwriting
i mean, obviously theres flexability in that... for one there are band practices and infinitum practices to be had, but i dont know when theyll be mainly cause jack seems to be rather unavaliable :S at the moment (hence we havent practised in well over a month.. grrrr), and as much as ive tried i cant get hold of him and it depends on ed and jack and cooky's timetables as well...
hmm. so yeah... a little bit of a muse there.....
the other thing i need to do at some point is get the accountancy/budgety type software back from my parents house so i can keep some nice accurate records of spending/saving...... the the 600 quid im about to put in the house bank account for rent and bills which will hopefully take me through to the end of november :S
im getting a little ahead of myself there... but for once thats a good thing.. and anyhow... im surviving quite well on my 1.65 i have at the moment.... :S
milk is around 50 p for 2 pints dependant where you get it.. so thats okay... ive only got another week of having no credit on my fone to go... which is fine :) really. iot might not be for anyone else cause i cant reply to any texts.... so sorry for that... but i do have money for a bus pass next week... so thats cool :)
k.. gonna have a shower and make lunch and play solitaire for a bit (and loud music :) ) and then off to church- which im looking forwards to for a change.... not that i dont... eugh.. complicated subject.. yeah.. im going to walk down i think... though any offers of a lift back would be muchas appreciated!!! thankyou!
fantstic song to recommend... the guy has a great voice!!!!
tina arena and marc anthony- "i want to spend my lifetime loving you" from 'the mask of zorro'. i havent seen teh film but the song is brilliant!!!!the last couple of days have been spent sorting out my photo album... its kinda done till i next go to get trhe 7 or so outstanding films done... i think though im gonna get a seperate album for slovenia... cause thats four or five of the films...
abbie is now in weymouth and i dont have to get up in the morning... hopefully this means that i can shake off the last bit of feeling ill....
tomorrow i have the house to myself pretty much.. well from lunhtime anyhow.
if id known earlier id have invited people round...
oh well... means i can do my washing and ironing and generally put the last bits of stuff away that i have to do... might even do some painting....
oooh yeah ... hopefully im getting a wikkid present for my bday... if it happens youll all know.. and a couple of new links to be added soon!!!
Saturday, September 20
have had network problems the last couple of days.... we coiuldnt get on cerftain sites that we'd had no problems previously with, and we changed the MTU settings this evening and it seems to be working fine now... as you can tell cause this was one of them!
well i seem to have tonsillitis....not good.
today i got up and went back to bed... am feeling rather non participatory when it comes to life at the moment, but there isnt an opt out button unfortunately.
read from that what you will.
Thursday, September 18
You Are A Pirate!
What Type Of Swashbuckler Are You?
brought to you by Maddog Varuka & Dawg Brown
its talk like a p[irate day tomorrow!!!!
go visit.. im serious
Wednesday, September 17
just made myself a gorgeous strawberry and kiwi smoothie for breakfast... mmmmm....
on reflection i think i mustve slept amazingly last night, even though i woke up at 6.30... thouhg when i woke up then, i felt pretty much as rested as i usually feel in a morning, okay, but then i got up at 9 and felt like id actually had a proper nights sleep for once that hadnt been interrupted.. PTL. im much more at peace about somethigns too... which is good.. i learnt a lot last night...
ok.l. got a couple of emails to send and then on with the work..
wow! im a second year!!!! woohoo!
i feel better today than yesterday.
im really glad that i didnt have to do the barium meal on monday cause i just wouldnt have been able to... my immune system seems to be shot... so im glad thats now in october. next week i have a genetic-sy type person coming to see me, which will be interesting.
today im gonna have a play and start writing some of the infinitum stuff i think.. then when i next call home i can collect my cd with all the web stuff already done.. we have a base template.. just need to do some of the text now, and we have a structure so thats all good.
ill be so glad when i get credit for my fone.. i hate having to sound rude by not replying to messages but i dont have a choice at the moment :S so if youre reading this and wondering why ive not replied.. <---
does anyone else like gorky park??? i think theyre well good.. been listenign to some of their stuff recently and i really like it
its quite chilled light hearted melodic rock.
on the music front, i now have my mic stand, mic and acoustic back at mine as well as my little mixer, so hopefully might be able to get some more songs done soon.. just need one or two cables which i prolly have somewhere at my parents house and if not then i may be able to borrow them or wait a week or 2 and buy them when i get my student loan through.
might also be able to write some new stuff as well... we'll see....
and then there was light and the light was gooooooooood...
on oging downstairs for a srink i managed to trip the fuse for the lights by turning the landing light on.... :S
so on went the headlamp and down i went and found the right switxch and everythign all by myself :) im so prooud :)
Tuesday, September 16
well i got some sleep... felt better this morning when i woke up.. so went and had my meeting with rich which was okay...
then went via crookes to finish the practice that was called yesterday cause i felt so rough, and from there, moved my music stuff back to mine and got tea, and then went to cluster, which was good. mini revelations there were nice, and my saturday night is now booked so thats nice too.
discussed doing the round walk... i wonder how many people know that there are two???
theres the one that pete was talking about - the (now) fourteen mile one.. that starts and finishes in endcliffe park (it use dto end in graves park but they finally finished it) that used to be our sponsered walk in school- we'd get taken by bus to endcliffe park and have to walk the round walk back to school and sign in at the other end.. it was madness!!! but fun... ill never forget peoples astonishment when i jogged it in y10 and beat all my form back by a clear 2 hours :)
hpwever the second one (that ive done once- but not all the way round) is the 45 mile one.. startign and ending in eckington.. this is where i got slightly confused as technically /this/ is the round walk as it goes around the border of sheffield... the other one is what the 59 is to the number two... a cheap imitation... both are really nice thouhg... and go past my old house and there are points where one is part of the other... the main point being where the big one follows the route of the little one from just past coal aston down towards totley as it goes through graves park and down chancet wood and millhouses park and thn on towards door and out to burbage...
if i hadnt just deleted the page when i sneezed.. i would have posted the link...
hang on...
here it is... this site doesnt give so much info on the route itself but tells you a LOT of interesting facts about sheffield which you may well not know.. however from what i remember it is quite well signposted...so if you were to do it you shouldnt get too lost... the only hard bit is from coal aston to norton as i know that isnt signposted... but i know that like the back of my hands as i usedd to play in those woods and be shot at by crazy farmers all the time when i was little... its the place of many a happy wide game and scar from the barbed wire... plus theres an ace bomb crater in there that is WELL worth a look :)
the hardest parts of this walk is definately getting towards moscar and high bradfield... what an episode!!! if youve ever done the foxhouse-bakewell walk then you may understand a little as it crosses there....
i wish people would name things properly....
ok.. off for somethign foody.. am quite hungry..
Monday, September 15
okay.. well the computer really had a ball last night when it broke.. whioch was a shame cause i actually had quite a good evening.. the chinese was lovely.. :)
today i feel shocking...
really ill .. fluey. its not a good thing, but i think i should be getting okay for tomorrow... meaning an early night tonight.. check email and stuff and off to bed i think..
hope you're all okay.
Saturday, September 13
well... i just realised that that was quite a pun there.... foot.. shoes.. lol.. i can be so dumb at times...
i endfed up getting some shoes .... ART shoes.. theyre rather funky and they were a bargain at 20 £ instead of 75... all leather and suade and VERY comfy!
k, am off out to meet abbie...
before big discussions are afoot im gonna help her pick some shoes..shopping.. yum :S
i got a conceded pass in the end.. meaning i failed but theyre gonna let me do the second year....
still at least i know... and i didnt fail by huge amounts... like i said i wouldnt have....
just slightly frustrating...
grrr. hope my alarm didnt jut wake everyone up..
yeah.. no real news on the resit front yet.. but a letter i got sounds kinda hopeful.... dont wanna get all excited though...
other news... i dont feel too good today or yesterday for that matter...
but im kinda okay...
would like to know if theres been any post to the house though..like my house not this one if you get what i mean....
just had a phone call from abbie which was a bit of a surprise anyhow.. im meeting her in town at 12.30 and then she's coming back here for a bit so that'll be nice...
well seemingly it seems this pc is going to work....
some interesting stuff going on.. will post in a little while when im fully awake... :)
Thursday, September 11
okay.. third reinstall.... lets hope this time it works....
last night i killed windows 2000 seriously, so back to 98SE i went....
now im back on win2k. hopefully this time it will work... there were no probs with network cards this time so fingers crossed!!!
anyone else see the 2 flashes of lightning this afternoon??
life here is fun... despite pc probs!!!
oh well... at least i have my mp3 collection (almost all legal! and working ont he ones that arent) pringles and a nice room... im lucky in that respect...
Wednesday, September 10
okay... not too far off though... it was from the loans ppl.. still dont look right on the accounts details front but at least ive got the dates theyre gonna pay me.. so lots of nicve things there.. like knowing i have enough money to pay the rent when it arrives- still be useful to know when i start though...
mum seems to think i got my exam results this morning....
theyre arriving here sometime in the next half an hour along with the last couple of bits of stuff (clean washing and food mainly)
i really really really really hope that iuve manged to pass it, but i dont think i have.. itd take a miracle- but i believe in those so theres hope :)
i did the os system thingy a while ago.... never posted it tho...
so ill do it now
as before...
src="http://www.bbspot.com/Images/News_Features/2003/01/os_quiz/debian.jpg" width="300" height="90"
border="0" alt="You are Debian Linux. People have difficulty getting to know you. Once you finally open your shell they're apt to love you.">
Which OS are You?
Tuesday, September 9
welcome to the high speed highway!!!
it took a couple of days but im now here in glorious broadband!!!!
bring it on!!!
first post in my new house.....
still havent got the network and broadband sorted on this pc yet... but soon.. hopefully tomorrow.
today i had one of the most horrible experiences of my life.
i went for my gastroscopy. it was horrid. i completely panicked and freaked out. in spite of that however, they managed to look around and i think they took a biopsy or 2.. i get either an appointment to discuss any findings or an all clear by letter in around 2 weeks either way.
they also nearly didnt discharge me as my BP dropped by 40 points half way through the recovery time, however it climbed sufficiently for me to be able to convince them to release me... felt really bad for the next few hours.. feel a bit better now but i get the feeling i might feel really crap in the morning.. my throat isnt too sore though so im coping okay with that.
mary and hannah came round this evening and we watched a film which was cool..
at the moment i have the house to myself.. its kinda nice but at the same time i kinda wish people were here too...
anyhow, if this works, and posts, ill be happy.
Friday, September 5
so much for like doing anything... parents are refusing to help in any way... "can you please move this thing thats blocking the stairs that is actually dangerous in being there?" "no."
"could you give me a hand with this box?" "no"
like it woudl be so much easier and less noisy and time consumuing and bruise causing if theyd actually give me a hand...
latest comment "well if you clean this side of the room out then you can stack them all here until tomorrow..." like thats going tohelp anything... theyre stacked nicely in the hall.. wherever they go ill get shouted at for cluttering the house up...
now im at the stage where i need to move the heavy stuff out of my room so i have space to sort out the stuff thats left in there. and i cant. i cant carry it by myself for any distance cause the tendons in my wrist would snap putting me back inphysio again and im not doing that for nobody. id go and take the smaller lighter boxes on the bus if it woud prove to be at all useful to... but its a 2 hour round trip... if i did threeof thise thats 6 hours, taking me to 9pm... i could possibly squeeze another in meanign ive managed to move four smaller boxes... not worth it... plus first drivers go absolutely ape if youve got anythign to transport with you.
so it looks as if tomorrow isnt going to happen and im not going to get to see biene or joely which lets be honest, absolutely sucks. in stead im going to have to hang around on the off chance that people 'might' be around and able to fit me into their schedules even though i asked then weeks ago fi theyd be around on this date to help me move and they said YES. not maybe.
i am aware that this is sounding like a rant along the lines of 'the world revolvces around me and everythign has to be to my satisfaction and timing and all the rest of it...' course it doesnt. i know that as well as anyone. im just not happy. if ppl sy theyll do somethign and dont have a good reason for not following through thats not on. plus i have to get al this done and unpacked before midday on monday. sunday is out of the question. i could pull out of our cluster walk in theafternoon, but noway. im not doing that- i want to do that and i wanna take every chance at getting out there as i can cause soon the weather will be too bad to go on my own and the only person i can think of that is crazy enough to go walking once thre weather turns still has more sense than that and while i may be a risk taker there are some things i wont do. going out in bad weather into the peaks by myself is one, and another is hanging around neepsend for a bus at night.
grrrrrrrr. am gonna ring abbie andsee how her visit to her dads went..
will prolly post again in a bit.
well so much for gettign stuff moved today...
that fell thru :S :( am gonna see what i can get down on the bus this evening... plus i promised dan id feed his budgie for him when he asked me to earlier...
i wish people would actually keep their word or let me know they cant.. dpecially when they said theyd take me a load of stuff down today....
we have foudn a way of recording..
im pleased that we finally have it but im really peeved that for the last age we've been really close to it and been totally ont he right lines and had the equipment (just about) so yeah ...
so we celebrated with pizza and then i came home and craig came round and we chilled whichwas nice.
tomorrow is the final pack and hopefully beginnign of shifting stuff so if anyone with a car woudl like to help you'd be welcome as mick and wayne, who have offered to help are both working tomorrow.. so it looks like i may be transporting boxes via bus... which bus drivers hate and often refuse to let oyu travel, no matter how secure the box is
so yeah as of now my new addy is avaliabel for getting... if you want it then drop me an email or ring me.
Wednesday, September 3
well, yesterday i was going to document my little trip, but ill leave that till late i think....
this morning i got a letter addressed from the childrens hospital...
it was actually from the 'north trent clinical genetics service'
they want to 'visit me in my own home' to 'give me some idea of what to expect' when i attend their clinic....
now to me, this sounds extremely ominous... like they have to come and talk to you to prepare you for going there... i know a bit about genetics.. ive split DNA, and learned quite a bit from sciency stuff i do... im not entireysure whattheyre wanting to do to be perfectly honest, cause when the consultant mentionedbeing referred to the genetics department itwas just that- he said he'd talk to them to establish how frequently i need to be tested in the future...
this sounds like they want to do things to me... im quite intruiged as to them possibly splitting my DNA, as when i did it in myscience summer school we werent allowed to do it to our own DNA because of random laws, however all they can tell from that is what i inherited from who providing they do the same with my parents' DNA. they can alsotell a bit about the genes themselves,but not huge amounts.
but its no big... ican handle this.
its a week and a day after the barium meal... nice to see the consistency eh?
anyhow,gottago meet K. and then im off to catch up with ahbeegayell.
will fill in yesterday laters.
Tuesday, September 2
this evening turned out to be muh better than expected.. went for a ride in cooky's jeep..
picket up the keys to the house.
Monday, September 1
lol at this quiz.....
specially if you take it as a joke- its well funny!
Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much
of a softy tree hugger to pose any threat to
the mighty machine of Republican progress. And
the FBI know where you live.
What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the
world in a negative or positive way and you'll
never judge or assume a situation- you just
look at the facts. People like you are peaceful
and accepting.
Made by
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla
You come from Heaven. You're the purest of pure, a
saint. You're probably an angel sent directly
from Heaven.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla
hmmmmm. disagree tere methinks
You represent... hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless
romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't
mind being alone at times. You have goals, and
know what you want in life... even if they are
a little far fetched.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
cool- she plays flute too...
You are 56% geek | You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you'll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you're a technical geek, you'll be able to afford it, too. If you're not a technical geek, you're geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. Dating tip: Don't date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You'll constantly try to out-geek the other. |
Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com
i think that beat andyroo... slightly alarming! specially as i answered honestly...well.. i lied about owning a britney spears cd... ;-)
had a really long chat last night after i got in at 11pm which adme feel a bit better.
am gonna continue packing today sa tomorrow im going to the peaks in the afternoon so wont be able to do anythign then.
abbie is travelling back to sheffield as i type.
firstly though i think im gonna have a long bath and soak my knee.