ok, ok i havent posted here in a while - mainly cause blogger has been an arse so ive been using livejournal instead, which is proving much better - if you want the addy for that then let me know- the other advantage of that is that i can choose who sees what (which works if you have an LJ account anyhow... )
an awful lot has happened while i havent been blogging so just a quick update for now, and then i really must stop procrastinating and do this essay thats due in tomorrow...
ok in no particular order...
got my exam results - did better on the exam itself than i thought by about 20 marks..... semester grade was a 2.1 so im not unhappy with that- quite unexpected!
i have a job- teaching sport in schools to little chiddlers - this starts on thursday and i'll be doing badminton at this particular school..
i damaged my arm quite seriously by falling/sliding down the stairs a few weeks ago - i basically damaged the nerve in my forearm, which is getting better, im just having to be careful.... i also had very bad concussion from it... but hey.
there was nearly a guy on the scene but that didnt work out...
some crap that if you were involved you know about if not then the consequences of that has been a big redress/rebalance in friendships.
i have some new friends and they are lovely- which means i kind of have a social life!!!!! big ups to TK, chris, christine, paul & house there.
I joined the s10 gym - basically cause i get free swimming as TK and i go swimming twice a week, and i go at least once more a week with Jack, which means 6£ a week minimum... before squash, which i play once a week with TK - started that a couple of weeks ago- tis a WELL good game. so yeah, its cheaper to have a membership. so im swimming at least three kilometers a week, walking 8 miles, playing squash and learning some self defence on the side.. the swimming is actually really helping to rehabilitate my arms which is good- my right one after the stairs incident and just generally rebuilding some of the strength that was there before i came down with tendinitis a couple of years ago and had to completely rest them for three months.
my baby is broken- yup my guitar... i dont know if she's mendable yet- if so its gonna cost around 50 quid to repair according to the shop and if not its gonna cost 300 quid for a new one- which i dont have....
i nearly died on saturday whilst travelliogn to manchester with my sister to go and see 'busted' at the M.E.N- we set off on the coach and didnt go the normal route to sdtart with (over the snake) instead we headed for the stocksbridge bypass, meaning woodhead pass... we reached the start and were promptly diverted by the police as the conditions were too hazardous (very very bad winds and nasty rain) so we headed through huddersfield towards the M62.... which of course is the highest motorway in britain... the second we turned onto the motorway we were blown accross 3 lanes and travelled at no higher then 20mph for the entire duration of the journey on the motorway and even then, we kept being blown across, and the driver was struggling to keep control of the coach (i was sat v. close to the front so could see) and we were told to wear seatbelts - a rarity... the whole trip was nightmare after nightmare, but despite arriving into manchester 2 hours later than supposed to and finding that the hotel we were meant to be staying in was a dump and not where it said it was etc, we got to the gig, i had a fantastic pint of tetley's and enjoyed it. McFly (the second support band) were AMAZING!!!!! 60's style feel good rock/punk :D Busted were much better than i thought they would be...
im going to see evanescence in may at the arena- really looking forwards to that..
also had to replace most of my wardrobe...
tomorrow im going to the cinema to see 'starsky and hutch' and 'school of rock'. saw torque last friday and i think we're going to see 'wecome to the jungle' on friday.
i have a reading week next week woohoo! and then i break up for easter.
cant think of much else thats been happening... gonna work on my site over easter - hopefully gonna integrate a blog into it so we may be moving soon, in which case my LJ one will prolly take over but i will keep informed.
hope everyone is okay - oh and i wrote a new song :)
potential exciting plans for the summer too- but until something is concrete im sworn to secrecy.