i spose that i should probably actually let people know stuff eh??
well the long and short of it is that this blog has moved, ive been happily plodding along at http://www.livejournal.com/users/tawtami for a fair while now, and i feel that, as im about to hit the big 21, and become officially old that that is where my heart lies.
so a final update and the goodbyes...
well, its quite possible that i havent been seen for a while, thats kinda cause ive been engulfed into a new hobby ; roleplaying. Partly bens fault, and partly some of my friends fault ;-) at the moment i seem to have participated in a lot of character creation for various systems, (vampire, werewolf, warhammer, call of kthulu, fireborne, spycraft, zombies for those who are interested) but am playing Mekton Zeta regularly, which is proving to be quite fun- its anime style game, based on d10 system, and if you think neon genesis evangelion you wont be too far off...
my character is now a Sgt Major, Rachel "Raven" Black, a member of morrigan squadron, who save the world on a regular basis during the current war against the enemy imperial mecha.
its quite fun, and seems to be satiating a couple of things i miss doing (acting, socialising for two). Another advantage to it is that it takes place in small groups which is perfect for an unsociable bugger like me. on thursday were possibly going to be starting 'cyberpunk' so i need to nick one of bens books to have a read up of it.
one last thing on this point, i was given my first ever die last monday, its a special 30th anniversary dungeons and dragons d20, special because all the high numbers are grouped together, hopefully ill be playing a system where i get to use it sometime :)
in other news things are generally good, cant believe im almost 21, and a week today ill be able to go to all bar one and such silly places... but hey - oh and abbie got married on saturday, so yeah, if you want to stay tuned into whats going on, then head over to http://www.livejournal.com/users/tawtami and you'll find me and all my crazy friends on there over there. otherwise, its been fun...